Science in Society Archive

I-SIS Campaign 08/06/15

Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate

More than 80 scientists worldwide are calling on governments at all levels to ban the spraying of glyphosate herbicides, based on overwhelming evidence of harm from scientific studies and witness testimonies compiled by the group

Please circulate widely and forward to your local government representatives

This letter has been signed by 572 scientists and 958 non-scientists from 72 different countries - add your name

We, the undersigned international scientists and medical professionals, call on governments at all levels to ban the spraying of glyphosate herbicides.  As professionals who have read the literature on glyphosate herbicides and their effects, we have concluded that they are causing irreparable harm.

The World Health Organization’s recent reclassification of glyphosate as a “probable human carcinogen” is only a small part of the known toxicity of glyphosate herbicides. Chronic exposure to glyphosate herbicides is associated not only with cancers, but also with infertility, impotence, abortions, birth defects, neurotoxicity, hormonal disruption, immune reactions, an  unnamed fatal kidney disease, chronic diarrhoea, autism and other ailments.

In addition to human diseases, glyphosate herbicides are linked to more than 40 new and re-emerging major crop diseases.  They are causing irreparable harm to the entire food web; including the plant kingdom, beneficial microbes that supply nutrients to our crops and soils, fish and other aquatic life, amphibians, butterflies, bees, birds, mammals, and the human microbiome.

For the sake of the planet, our children and our grandchildren, all spraying of glyphosate herbicides should be immediately replaced with eco-friendly alternatives that restore damaged food webs. We urge you to have the courage to stop the destruction of life on our planet as leaders for future generations.

Scientific reviews, papers, and witness testimonies are presented here:

Research papers on glyphosate herbicides compiled by Dr Alex Vasquez and Dr Eva Sirinathsinghji - UPDATED 22nd November 2015:

Glyphosate crop interactions reviewed by Dr Don Huber:

A Roundup of Roundup® Reveals Converging Pattern of Toxicity from Farm to Clinic to Laboratory Studies:

Add your name to this letter here

Signed by


  1. Iñigo álvarez De Toledo MSc in Human Ecology / Environmental Science, Edinburgh University, ideaa regeneration systems, Toscana, ITALY
  2. Gregorio álvaro PhD. Biochemical engineering, Biotechnology, Univeritat Autònome de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, SPAIN
  3. Robert Abell Ph.D, B.Ed, B.Sc. (chemistry), Owner, Automated Learning Corporation, member and founder SCIESO, Author: “Salvaging Capitalism/Saving Democracy”, and “The Corporation”, CANADA
  4. Adrienne Addinall-kokkas MSocSci (Psych), Self, Midrand, SOUTH AFRICA
  5. Rodney Adeniyi-jones Medical doctor LRCP, Genesis Wellness Ltd, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  6. Eduardo Aguilera 10 SCI Publications. MSc Agroecology. Biology graduate., Pablo de Olavide University, Sevilla, SPAIN
  7. Shirley Al Jabi BSc.Medical Science St.Andrews, MBChB Manchester, DCH London, Jordanian Board of Paediatrics, JORDAN
  8. Norman Albon PhD, bristol Food,Crystal Growth sugars, swmiconductors Lipids, retired, Chesham,, UNITED KINGDOM
  9. Acacia Alcivar-warren Doctor in Veterinary Medicine, M.Sc. degree in Reproductive Physiology & Endocrinology, Ph.D. in Immunobiology, Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics, Fulbright Scholar, Organization of American States Fellow, ONE HEALTH Epigenomics Educational Initiative, Southborough, UNITED STATES
  10. Victoria Allen DO, retired, Ballwin, UNITED STATES
  11. Andres Allendes Silva Forester (Engineer), Amateur Agroecologist, Natural Cosmetic Entrepreneur, Agricola Petit Gris Ltda., Santiago, CHILE
  12. Andrew Allerton B.Sci (biotechnology), Sydney, AUSTRALIA
  13. Sydney Alonso Holder of 8 patents in the field of sound synthesis and analysis. Ex- university professor,(Computer Design), New England Digital Corp., Norwich, UNITED STATES
  14. Miguel Altieri agroecology, University of California, UNITED STATES
  15. Douglas Amell Bachelor of Science in Physical Organic Chemistry AND Naturopathic doctorate degree, Moose Jaw Naturopathic Clinic, Moose Jaw, CANADA
  16. Jens-otto Andersen PhD, Biodynamisk Forskningsforening, Galten, DENMARK
  17. Glenn Ashton Master of Philosophy, Environmental Managment, Ekogaia Foundation, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  18. Michel Bégin Ph.D. , Centre de recherche Lipergen, Sherbrooke, Quebec, CANADA
  19. József Bérczy Medical Docor, pensionist, Svedala, SWEDEN
  20. Elisabeth Bücking PhD (retired) Forest Soil Microflora, Forest Research Station Baden-Württemberg, GERMANY
  21. Jeanne Babar Agricultural engineer, Brussels, BELGIUM
  22. José Babot geologic engineer from École Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy, Environmental Geologist Consultant, member of SCIESO, FRANCE
  23. Didi Baev molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, (MSc, PhD), BULGARIA
  24. Juan Antonio Baeza Environmental engineering, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola Del Valles, SPAIN
  25. Martin Bailey Ecologist, Wildlife & Countryside Services, Rhuddlan, UNITED KINGDOM
  26. Vethaiya Balasubramanian M.Sc., Ph.D., International Agricultural Consultant and Trainer on Sustainable Agricultural Development and Natural Resource Management; Awarded by IFA the International Laureate in Plant Nutrition Award in 2003, Sigma X Society Honor since 1978, Member of SCIESO, PHILIPPINES
  27. John Balatinecz Ph.D., D.Sc. (Hon. C), Emeritus Professor, University of Toronto, CANADA
  28. Mauricio Ballen Agronomic engineering, silicon researcher, Inbioma SAS, Medellin, COLOMBIA
  29. Barry J. Barclay Ph.D. President/CEO, Planet Biotechnologies Inc. Molecular biologist and former Professor and Coordinator of the After-degree Environmental Health program at Concordia University College of Alberta, Alberta, CANADA
  30. Zsuzsanna Bardocz PhD in pharmacology and toxicology Dsc in Biology, formerly at the University of Debrecen, Budapest, HUNGARY
  31. Tony Bargardo Biomedical Information transfer processes, University of Barrington, Lexington, UNITED STATES
  33. Fernando Barri Ph.D. Profesor del Centro de Ecología y Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Investigador de CONICET, ARGENTINA
  34. Javier Barriga PhD in Zoology and Antrophology, , Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, COLOMBIA
  35. Stephen Barrow BSc Honrs, Private, Nieu Bethesda, SOUTH AFRICA
  36. Ricardo Bartelme MD, Family Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, UNITED STATES
  37. Henry Becker B.E. (Sask), M.Sc. (Sask), Sc.D. (MIT), Killam Laureate, FCIC, Engineering Medal (APEO), Professor Emeritus, Queen's University, Kingston, CANADA
  38. Henry A. Becker BE, MSc, ScD, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering, Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario); Killam Laureate, CANADA
  39. Dyhia Belhabib Ph.D, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Member of SCIESO, University of British Columbia, CANADA
  40. Anthony Bell PhD, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, UNITED STATES
  41. Lawson Bell Water Chemistry, Industrial Waste Pollution, retired, Moncton, Nb, CANADA
  42. Warren Bell BA MD (UBC) CM (McGill) CCFP FCFP, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (Past Founding President), Salmon Arm, Bc, CANADA
  43. Fiorella Belpoggi Director, Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute, Bologna, ITALY
  44. Philip L Bereano Social science/law/policy analysis. UNEP Roster of Experts to the Cartagena Protocol (risk assessemnt), Washington Biotechnology Action Council, Seattle,, Washington, UNITED STATES
  45. Les Berenson MD, FACP, Board certified in Internal Medicine, Fellow of American College Physicians, Seattle, WA, UNITED STATES
  46. Steffen Beyer MSc Computer Science + Biology,, The Hague, NETHERLANDS
  47. Xen Biao infectious disease research, UNITED STATES
  48. Derek Bickerton Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, UNITED STATES
  49. Karel Bielstein B.S and M.S in Geological Engineering, Adjunct Professor of Geology, Black Hills State University - UCRC, Rapid City, UNITED STATES
  50. Urszula Biereznoj-bazille master of biology, Goni?dz, POLAND
  51. Vincent Bijman Tropical Agriculture ( Bsc, Deventer) & Crop Protection (Msc, Wageningen University), applied research in fruit, seed pathology, arable crops , bulbs, vegetables, ornamentals ,forestry, international, Independent, Bovenkarspel, NETHERLANDS
  52. Julia Billington Harvard U. (BA, Psychobiology), MD (U. of Pittsburgh), clinician/internist, cofounder nonprofit, Hidden Wings for teens on the autistic spectrum, clinician researcher involving glyphosate and human disease, Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara, UNITED STATES
  53. Nick Birch PhD Entomology, Fellow of Linnaean Society, Fellow of Royal Entomological Society, JHI, Dundee, UNITED KINGDOM
  54. Inge Bjorkman organic ecologist, Dr., Mariannelund, Sweden, SWEDEN
  55. Kent Blacklidge Ph.D. (Genetics / Purdue), M.S. (Aquatic Toxicology and Fish Biology / Purdue), Past daily newspaper publisher (Kokomo [IN] Tribune), Indiana University-Kokomo, UNITED STATES
  56. Thomas Blakeslee BSc degree Californis Institute of Technology 1962 , 14 patents, learlight Foundation, Westlake Village, UNITED STATES
  57. Henry Blom Cert. NES-therapist, Auriculotherapist , Qi-Akademin EF, Stockholm, SWEDEN
  58. Louise Blxham Bachelor of Science , Somerset, UNITED KINGDOM
  59. Christel Bodenstein MB Ch B, FRCP - Psychiatrist, Calgary, CANADA
  60. Ragnhild Boes Ph. D. , Nyborg, DENMARK
  61. Myra Boneta-lisbeth PhD Plant Pathologist, Reston, Va, UNITED STATES
  62. Janos Borbely M.Sc. Electronic Engineer, SWITZERLAND
  63. Charles Brashears Pharmacist, Vienna, UNITED STATES
  64. María Bravo Political Ecology, UPS, Quito, ECUADOR
  65. Rob Bright M.A. Sociology of Deviant Behaviour, Mr., Toronto, CANADA
  66. Robert Bright M.A. in Sociology of Deviant Behaviour (social sciences), Mr., Toronto, CANADA
  67. Ana Broccoli Ing Agr Ms Sc Associate Professor of Plant Breeding, Coordinator of Free Chair of Food Sovereignty, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Free Chair of Food Sovereignty, School of Medicine University of Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
  68. Aline Brod Biodiversity and Conservation, Mortlake, UNITED KINGDOM
  69. Isla Browning BSc. MSc. retired scientist specialising in diseases of potatoes, Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
  70. Paul Bruce B.Sc Physics, Class A Meteorologist , ATLA, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
  71. Bryan Brunner PhD, Researcher, Plant Breeding and Genetics, Department of Crops and Agro-environmental Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, PUERTO RICO
  72. Michael Buchanan Mrpharms pharmacy, UNITED KINGDOM
  73. Jens Bucher Ingeniero Comercial, psycho-oncology, stress, health, CDP, Santiago, CHILE
  74. Katie Buckingham BSc Pharmacology, UNITED KINGDOM
  75. Matthew Buckley BS in Environmental Health, DC from Logan College of Chiropractic, UNITED STATES
  76. Marcello Buiatti member of the board of ENSSER, Preisident of the environmentalist organization Environment and Labor, member of the scientific Committees of Legambiente, ISDE Italy, and of the board of the Italian anti GMO coalition, University of Firenze, Rome, ITALY
  77. Tim Butler Mechanical Engineering, San Francisco, UNITED STATES
  78. Roy Butterfield DSc, DIC, BSc, MICE, MIstruct E, emeritus professor civil engineering, Southampton, UNITED KINGDOM
  79. Mercedes Cabañas Bacterióloga y Parasitóloga, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, MEXICO
  80. Hilary Cadman PhD in biochemistry, Bellingen, AUSTRALIA
  81. Vilma Calderón L.N.D., Clinical Dietitian, Author: “Pierde peso y gana salud, Radio Program: Salud y nutrición con Vilma Calderon”, PUERTO RICO
  82. álvaro Campos PhD. Biochemical engineering, Biotechnology, Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaChemical Engineering Department , Barcelona, SPAIN
  83. Paula Cardoso Master's in Geochemistry (UCT); Honours in Development Studies (UWC), Trust for Community Outreach and Education , Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  84. Walter Carpenter nutritionalist, Ryan Institute, New York, UNITED STATES
  85. Robert Carson BS in Chemistry (30 years practical experience), Asheville Nc 28805, UNITED STATES
  86. C.s. Carvalho Physics, PORTUGAL
  87. Jose Casanova Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Zaragoza, Aragón, SPAIN
  88. Constantino Casasbuenas MSc Fluid Mechanics; national award 1979 for alternative sustainable energy; implementing agro-ecological project , La Costanza / Agroecology, Chía, COLOMBIA
  89. Maria Casey RHS Horticulturist , London Parks & Gardens Trust, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  90. Wattiez Catherine pesticides, PhD, Nature et Progrès Belgique, Jambes, BELGIUM
  91. Maureen Childs MBCS BSc CITP, Green Seniors, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  92. Yang Boo Choe Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics , Alliance for Better Cooperatives , Seoul, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  93. Shiv Chopra DVM, M.Sc., Ph.D., Fellow World Health Organization Author, CORRUPT TO THE CORE: Memoirs of a Health Canada Whistleblower President, Canadian Council on Food Sovereignty & Health, CANADA
  94. Margaret Christensen,md Medical Doctor (MD), Fellow of the American College of ObGYN, Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, Institute for Functional Medicine, Dallas, UNITED STATES
  95. Schreier Christo bachelor, SWITZERLAND
  96. Branko Cicic Higher States of Consciousness, the Transcendental Meditation teacher, Social worker, Fond Organska Srbija, Belgrade, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO
  97. Kenneth Cintron MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Southeast Orthopedic Specialists, UNITED STATES
  98. Dr Michael Clarjen-arconada Natural Biological Medicine / Toxicology/ Parasitology, Integral Health Center, Sag Harbor, Ny, UNITED STATES
  99. E. Ann Clark Ph.D., Associate Professor (retired), Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, CANADA
  100. Kenneth Clarke B.A. Biology Cal State University, back yard gardener, Los Gatos, California, UNITED STATES
  101. Coquillaud Claude Agronomy, Pedology, CapBac, Provence Alpes , FRANCE
  102. Jane Clemens I have a BS in Soils and Horticulture from Uof A, Ms., Ben Lomond, UNITED STATES
  103. Thomas Coffee Ph.D. (engineering), MIT, UNITED STATES
  104. Annabeth Cohen MSc Hydro-Informatics , Univeristy of Otago, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND
  105. Marc Cohen MBBS(Hons), PhD, BMedSc(Hons), FAMAC, FICAE, RMIT University, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
  106. Dr Mary Cole Doctor of Philosophy - plant pathology and fungal taxonomy, Agpath P/L, Garfield, AUSTRALIA
  107. André Comeau Ph.D. plant geneticist, Quebec, CANADA
  108. Karine Contat Dos Santos Dipl. Ing. agr. ETH Zürich, SWITZERLAND
  109. Kiki Corbin CTN, President, Grassroots Educational Forum, LLC (dba: GMO Free Nevada), Incline Village, NV, UNITED STATES
  110. Inés Corraliza Assistant Professor in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, working on Immune system, free radical biology and molecular pathology. Dr. in Biology, Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Extremadura ( UEx), Cáceres, SPAIN
  111. Cristina Costa Integrated Pest Management and Organic Farming (Master of Science), Polithecnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, PORTUGAL
  112. P. Maxine Cottrell BS, Chemical Engineering, 15 years in industrial process engineering, Picardy, FRANCE
  113. Joe Cummins Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario. Author of numerous reports on gene damage, cancer and other environmental impacts of GM crops and the toxic herbicides associated with the deployment of the GM crops, CANADA
  114. Channa Cune PhD English and Health Sciences, independent, Yorkshire, UNITED KINGDOM
  115. John D'hondt Drs. equivalent to pH.D ; 30 years farming and studying effects of roundup, County Cork, IRELAND
  116. Larry Danner Although I am not trained in any of the biological fields, I have been in engineering field (BS Aerospace Engineeering) for over 30 years, including statistical and root cause analysis., UNITED STATES
  117. Robert M. Davidson M.D. Ph.D. FAIS, Fellow of The American Institute of Stress, formerly Internal Medicine physician with PhyNet, Inc. Board-certified in Nuclear (1990) and Internal Medicine (1996), UNITED STATES
  118. Anna Davis MD, Environmental medicine,Integrative Internal Medicine, Mandeville, La. 70470, UNITED STATES
  119. Miryam K. de Gorban Ph.D. Coordinadora general de la Cátedra Libre de Soberanía Alimentaria Facultad de Medicina/Nutricion Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Presidente Honoraria Médicos del Mundo, ARGENTINA
  120. Frank Dean Biological and Physical Sciences , Humanity , Spring, Tx, UNITED STATES
  121. Jamie Deckoff-jones Md Physician, Santa Fe, UNITED STATES
  122. Georg Deichert PhD Agr. Sc., GIZ, Addis Abeba, ETHIOPIA
  123. Patricia Demare M. Sc. in Chemistry, UNAM, Mexico City, MEXICO
  124. Ariel Depetris Ph.D. Epidemiólogo, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, ARGENTINA
  125. Peggy Detmers Wildlife/Environmental Sciences, Rapid City, Sd, UNITED STATES
  126. Gabriel Devriendt biologist head R, nutriphyt , Beernem, BELGIUM
  127. Arildo Dias PhD Plant Biology, Campinas, BRAZIL
  128. Pamela Dillon Chemical Injury research, Maryland, UNITED STATES
  129. Alexander Dimauro Degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2 articles published in scientific journals., Cherry Hill, UNITED STATES
  130. Carol Dixon Masters of Arts , Psychology, - Rehabilitation Medicine- Psychometrist - Stroke Program, retired Psychometrist-rehab medicine, Ottawa, CANADA
  131. Just Doi B.A Otago University, The Ark Trust, Aramoana, NEW ZEALAND
  132. Alfons Domínguez Agricultural Experiment Station, Valencian Institute of Agrarian Research, S.E.A.E. and I.V.I.A., Alzira, SPAIN
  133. Obdulia Domínguez Sociologist, Barcelona, SPAIN
  134. Roberto A. Domenech Ph.D., Professor of Ecological Economics, University of Cordoba, ARGENTINA
  135. Tropeano Domenico Geology, Natural and anthropogenic risk prevention (soil conservation), CNR (Retired), Trofarello, ITALY
  136. Russell Donnelly Bsc (pending), Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Analyst, Member of SCIESO, UNITED STATES
  137. Robert Dotson, Md Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for a medical device company. Long experience in researching and developing Photobiomodulation for applications in the health field., Lumithera, Inc/, Washington State, UNITED STATES
  138. Gloria Dozo Ph.D. Profesora Titular Cátedra de Alergia e Inmunología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, ARGENTINA
  139. Sue Dr. NMD, Health Sciences Post Bac- Harvard University, Marie Curie science award, Radiant Health Partners LLC, Paradise Valley, UNITED STATES
  140. Cornelia Dr. Peike Chemistry, GERMANY
  141. José Duarte PhD Biochemical Engineering, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
  142. Jay Dubinsky biotech and water purification and infrared focusing and collection for solar CSP; solar driven desalination,, Palma De Mallorca, SPAIN
  143. Michael Durkin Bachelors of Science Cell Molecular Biology; Numerous production awards for genetically engineered Immuno Therapies for Cancer, Self, Makawao, UNITED STATES
  144. Robert Dyson Computational mathematician & physicist. DPhil, Retired, Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM
  145. John Earney organic, Avonstour heritage farm , Stratford, NEW ZEALAND
  146. Sue Edwards Botanist and promoter of ecological agriculture / agroecology, Recipient of 2011 Gothenberg Award for Sustainable Development, Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD), Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
  147. Philippe Elskens Master in Veterinary Sciences, Ugent, Gent, BELGIUM
  148. Irucka Embry BS Civil Engineering; Master of Engineering with a Concentration in Environmental Engineering; E.I.T., EcoC2S, Nashville, Tennessee, UNITED STATES
  149. Irina Ermakova Doctor of Biology, several awards (medals and diplomas), Russian Academy of sciences, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
  150. Russell Eshman Doctor of Chiropractic, Irwin, UNITED STATES
  151. Alice Fabbri Public Health doctor, Centre for International Health, University of Bologna, Bologna, ITALY
  152. Concepcion Fabeiro Ph Doctor in Agrarian Engeeniering , Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, SPAIN
  153. Corinne Fankhauser Dr. sc. nat. ETH, Ing. Agr. ETH, Agronomy, Seed systems, Phytopathology, Participatory reseach, Latin America specialist, CGIAR Alumni, SWITZERLAND
  154. Bridget Farrer BA (Sydney) M.Phil (London), n/a, Clear Range, AUSTRALIA
  155. Bárbara Fernández Muñoz Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola - Agricultural Engineer, Bárbara Fernández Muñoz, Cabra, SPAIN
  156. Dr. Carmel Fernandopulle MBBS(Cey)MCGP(S/L)FCGP(S/L), Colombo 02, SRI LANKA
  157. William Fiebig Farming Systems and Climate Smart Agriculture, Climate Smart Agriculture Programme, Silver Spring, Md 20906, UNITED STATES
  158. Reinhard Finck Oberstudienrat Social Sciences, Berufskolleg für Technik, Moers, GERMANY
  159. Maia Fitzstevens Environmental Geochemistry and Medical Geology, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Ma, UNITED STATES
  160. Michael Fox Veterinarina, ethologist with doctoral degree in medicine, India Project for Animals & Nature, Minneapolis Mn, UNITED STATES
  161. Thor Frøitland PH.D petroleum engineering, Sandnes, NORWAY
  162. Antonietta Francini MD (Rome, Italy) Specialist (Gynec-Milano) 22 published papers on Hystochemistry Ca cells metabolism, retired, Callander, CANADA
  163. Stephen Frantz Pathobiology, Zoology & Entomology B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Global Environmental Options, Los Angeles, UNITED STATES
  164. Debbie Freiheit Registered Pharmacist (RPh), Centennial, UNITED STATES
  165. Hugo Freije Dr in Oceanology - Environmental Chemistry Professor, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, ARGENTINA
  166. Claudia Freitas celular and molecular biology, natl cancer institute ro de janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL
  167. Edward K Fujimoto Doctorate in Public Health, Nutrition, and Health Promotion, Private, Rocklin, Ca, UNITED STATES
  168. Michael Fullerton BSc (Psychology and Computer Science) University of Calgary, British Columbia, CANADA
  169. Aitor Galán BSCI Biology MSci Environmental biology, Madrid, SPAIN
  170. Angelina Galang Ph.D in Environmental Science from the University of the Philippines; MS Chemistry from Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; BS. Chemistry from College of the Holy Spirit, Philippines, Green Convergence for Safe Food, Healthy Environment and Sustainable Economy, Quezon City, PHILIPPINES
  171. Pilar Galindo Sociologist, La Garbancita Ecológica, Madrid, SPAIN
  172. Jaime-enrique Garcia-gonzalez, UNED, UCR y Red de Coordinación en Biodiversidad, San José, COSTA RICA
  173. Dr. John Gardiner MBE BSc(Eng) PhD FCGI FICE FCIWEM C Eng PE(Oregon), Siskiyou Alpaca, Cave Junction, UNITED STATES
  174. Liam Garstang BSc, GERMANY
  175. Marius Geertsema Philosophy of technology, PUC-Rio, Rio De Janeiro, BRAZIL
  176. Terri Generosa masters of science in oriental medicine, UNITED STATES
  177. Giusto Giovannetti Microbiologi, Torino, ITALY
  178. Michael Godfrey MBBS FACAM FACNEM, Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility, Tauranga, NEW ZEALAND
  179. Pedro Raul Goenaga Pig breeding and husbandry Veterinary doctor, Magister Scienciae, INTA, Pergamino, ARGENTINA
  180. Beverly Goldie Ed.D., (retired), Sequim, WA, UNITED STATES
  181. Stan Golik PhD informatics, UNITED KINGDOM
  182. Manuel González De Molina Dr. in Agricultural History, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, SPAIN
  183. Michael J. Gonzalez BS, MS, MHSN, DSc, NMD, PhD, FANMA, FACN, Professor University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus, San Juan, PUERTO RICO
  184. Jenny Goodman MB ChB MA Nutritional and Environmental Doctor, BRITISH SOCIETY for ECOLOGICAL MEDICINE, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  185. Ian Gordon Evolutionary Biologist,PhD, BirdLife International, Nairobi, KENYA
  186. Pascal Gos Molecular Biology, Ecology (MS degree), University of Geneva, Genève 4, SWITZERLAND
  187. Sid Gould Physics B. Sc., Corsham, UNITED KINGDOM
  188. Glynn Goulding Bsc Environmental Studies Professional Graduate Diploma in Education , Worldwide Sustainable and Ecological Solutions droup, Wigan, UNITED KINGDOM
  189. Carlos M. Grassini Licenciado en Ciencias Biológicas, some papers in nature conservation and more. , none now, Chajarí, ARGENTINA
  190. Beverly Green Batchelor of Science (Engineering) in Computer Science, BERMUDA
  191. Bob Greer The new science of water, Energy Systems Plus, Maruia, NEW ZEALAND
  192. Zulma Gregory BS Biology, Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine,, Austin, UNITED STATES
  193. Peter Gringinger Environmental Fate and Transport of Contaminants, Risk Assessment, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
  194. Helen Grond Geologist M.Sc., Functional diagnostic nutrition, Hornby Island Bc, CANADA
  195. María Guadalupe Guadarrama Huerta Licenciatura Biología, Mtria. Epidemiología y Estudiante de doctorado en Geografía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cd. De México, MEXICO
  196. Arianna Guardiola-villora Dr. Architect, SPAIN
  197. Chris Gupta Electrical Engineer, London, CANADA
  198. Michael Gyori Applied and educational linguistics, second and foreign language education; M.A. TESOL , UNITED STATES
  199. Julian Haffegee MPhil (Biophysics), BSc, Institute of Science in Society, Milton Keynes, UNITED KINGDOM
  200. Ib Hagsten M.Sci Agronomy; MS Ruminant Nutrition; Ph.D. Animal Nutrition; Diplomate, American College of Nutrition, Hagsten Enterprises Int., Inc. , Kansas City, Mo, UNITED STATES
  201. Casey Halcrow BA Psychology, BS Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy--PharmD, Minneapolis, UNITED STATES
  202. Steven Hall, Md Medical doctor, originator of Integral Medicine, Integral Medicine Associates, Issaquah, UNITED STATES
  203. Jacques Hallard Ing. CNAM, Site ISIAS, Mollégès 13940, FRANCE
  204. David Harper Professor of Limnology: PhD, FGS,FLS,MBiol, University of Leicester, Leicester, UNITED KINGDOM
  205. Richard Geoffrey Hartill Social Science and Social Administration, Family for Every Child, Lima, PERU
  206. Maureen Haseley-jones Dip Hort from the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew , Old Lyme , UNITED STATES
  207. Christine Hass Ph.D. Biology, Wild Mountain Echoes, Vail, UNITED STATES
  208. Brian Hauser Md MD, Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, UNITED STATES
  209. Philipp Heeb Behavioural Ecology, Environmental Microbiology, CNRS - UPS, Toulouse, FRANCE
  210. Mónica Heinzmann Physician and Bioethicist. European Master in Angiology/ Vascular Medicine, Milan University. Professor in Bioethics and Medical Ethics. Bioethics Center Director, Catholic University of Córdoba, ARGENTINA
  211. Kaj Henriksen Ph.D. Microbial Ecology, Ass. Professor Emeritus Environmental Engineering, aalborg University, Aalborg, DENMARK
  212. Martha R. Herbert PhD, MD, Pediatric Neurologist and Neuroscientist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School , UNITED STATES
  213. Ingrid Hergstrom PhD Zoology, AUSTRALIA
  214. Raul Hernandez Sustainable regional development, nutritious safe food, Alternativas y procesos de participación social, Tehuacan, MEXICO
  215. Hans R. Herren Ph.D., President and CEO Millennium Institute, Washington, DC. President: Biovision, Laureate: Right Livelihood Award; Alternative Nobel Prize 2013; One World Award 2010; World Food Prize 1995; Kilby Award 1995; Brandenberger Prize 2002; Tyler Prize 2003. Foreign Associate of the US Academy of Sciences 1999; Member the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) 2005, co-Chair International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, Member CGIAR Science Council (2005-2010), SWITZERLAND
  216. George Hewitt BSc(Eng) CEng MICE, PMS, Bangor, UNITED KINGDOM
  217. Marilyn Hilborn DC, CCN Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, 30 years clinical practice., Austin, UNITED STATES
  218. Christine Hinze Veterinarian, Galveston, UNITED STATES
  219. Mae-Wan Ho Ph.D. Roster of Experts on Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety, Prigogine Medalist 2014, Institute of Science in Society, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  220. Wilhelmina Hoedjes Wageningen University and Research, BoerderijAnders, Haler, NETHERLANDS
  221. William Hood Organic poultry and bee grower, Eastman,wi, UNITED STATES
  222. Malcolm Hooper PhD B Pharm CChem MRIC Emeritus Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, retired, Sunderland, UNITED KINGDOM
  223. Carl Hopman Engineer from Ecole Polytechnique, France, as well as PhD from MIT, UNITED STATES
  224. Bonny Horvath Vedic Scientist working with Vedic systems of organic agriculture. PhD Honoris Causa, Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture , Woodbridge, UNITED KINGDOM
  225. Simon House MA Cantab Natural Sciences & Theology, McCarrison Society, Portsmouth, UNITED KINGDOM
  226. Judy Hoy BS, Independent Wildlife Researcher and Wildlife Rehabilitation Specialist. Lead Author of two peer-reviewed studies regarding birth defects on wildlife and pesticides, UNITED STATES
  227. Don M Huber BS, MS, Ph.D. Member or former member of USDA-APS National Plant Disease Recovery Program (Chairman); US Threat Pathogens Committee; Advisory Board, Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress; Office of The Surgeon General Global Epidemiology Working Group, Professor Emeritus, Purdue University, UNITED STATES
  228. Mark Hughes BSc Physics, UNITED KINGDOM
  229. Cecchini Hugo Ing. Agr. HAFL (Bern University of Applied Sciences), MAS in Intercultural Communication (Université de Lugano), Quinta La Provenzal, Villa De Las Rosas, Córdoba, ARGENTINA
  230. Peter J. Hurley PhD, MBA, BSc, CSci, CChem, FRSC, CEnv, C.WEM, MCIWEM, AFIChemE, Independent Environmental Consultant, UNITED STATES
  231. April Hurley, Md Family Medicine Physician (MD), Santa Rosa, California, UNITED STATES
  232. Chen I-wan Engineer, former advisor, Committee of Disaster History to China Disaster Prevention, Beijing, CHINA
  233. Tara Ibrahim Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Master of Urban and Rural Planning, Halifax, CANADA
  234. Anita Idel Dr. med. vet.; SALUS MEDIA AWARD 2013, mediation & project management agrobiodiversity, Feldatal, GERMANY
  235. Elaine Ingham Soil Microbial Ecologist, Soil Foodweb Inc, Corvallis, UNITED STATES
  236. Alexander Jablánczy BA MAabd MD, Sault Ste Marie, CANADA
  237. Alexander Jablanczy MD, General practitioner, Sault Ste Marie, UNITED STATES
  238. Allan Jablon MS Human Nutrition, Mr., Ellicott City, UNITED STATES
  239. Marcie Jacobs I worked in finance and have a B/S in Business Admin. , Ms., Byers, UNITED STATES
  240. Timothy Janicke Ph.D., Chemical Engineering. Alexander von Humboldt Fellow., Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, UNITED STATES
  241. Rostan Jean-claude Pr.(retired) Ecology, Lyon, FRANCE
  242. Laurent Jeanneau PhD on organic micropollutants geochemistry, Rennes, FRANCE
  243. Elizabeth Jenks Registered Nurse, Denver, UNITED STATES
  244. James Johansen PhD in chemistry from Duke. Founded NanoLume Inc. , Pittsboro, UNITED STATES
  245. Brian John Durham University, (retired), UNITED KINGDOM
  246. Alan Johnson PhD Psychology, Honolulu, UNITED STATES
  247. Gregory Jolin Organic Chemistry And Genetics & Genomics, UNITED STATES
  248. Bo Jonsson MD, PhD, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SWEDEN
  249. Graham Jorgensen Computer Scientist, BSP, Chapel Hill, Nc, UNITED STATES
  250. Dr Joseph Makkolil Joseph Nanotechnology, Cocin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, INDIA
  251. Marijan Jost Retired University professor of Genetic and Plant Breeding, JOST Seeds-Research , Krizevci, CROATIA
  252. Cathy Justus Expert on the subject of chronic fluoride poisoning, Pagosa Springs, UNITED STATES
  254. Joanne Karohl PhD, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Carnegie-Mellon University, Hertz Fellow, Dragonfly Farm, Harvard, Ma, UNITED STATES
  255. Helen Kennedy BSc Hons Physics and Materials Science, MSc student in Sustainability and Adaptation, Poynton, UNITED KINGDOM
  256. Joe Kiceniuk Environmental Toxicology, independant, Nova Scotia, CANADA
  257. David William King MIET, FIPENZ, Retired from Ministry of Works, Rangiora, NEW ZEALAND
  258. David William King Engineer, MIET, FIPENZ., Retired ex Ministry of Works, Christchurch, Rangiora, NEW ZEALAND
  259. Menegoz Kora Agronomy and forest engineer , Andeaë, San Fabián De Alico, CHILE
  260. Monika Krüger Mycrobiology, clostridioses, glyphosate, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, GERMANY
  261. Nicolas Kropacek M.D. Public Health Free Lance Researcher, ITALY
  262. Charles La Via Ph.D., A, Nîmes, FRANCE
  263. David Laing Earth systems science (MA, Harvard '72, Geological Sciences), Stockton Springs, UNITED STATES
  264. Rafael C. Lajmanovich Investigador Independiente CONICET Profesor Titular Cat. Ecotoxicología (ESS), Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas (UNL), Santa Fe, ARGENTINA
  265. Charmian Larke Hons degree 2.1 biological sciences, Atlantic Energy, Truro, UNITED KINGDOM
  266. Jonathan Latham PhD, Executive Director, The Bioscience Resource Project, New York, UNITED STATES
  267. Hugh Laue PhD organic chemistry NMMU (1969), Walter Sisulu University, Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA
  268. Carol Le MD, ABAARM, independent, Jacksonville, UNITED STATES
  269. Bridget Leadbeater BA hons Fine Art, BSc hons Development Geography, PhD on assesment of biotechnological intervention programs in low inome countries, Independent researcher and activist, Nottingham, UNITED KINGDOM
  270. Donald Leenknegt Pensioned physics teacher, BELGIUM
  271. Brenda LeFrancois B.A., M.A., PhD, Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, CANADA
  272. David Lellinger retired neotropical pteridologist, Ph.D., Brevard, Nc, UNITED STATES
  273. Peter Leppert B App. Science in Natural Resource management, Healthy soils australia, N.e. Victoria, AUSTRALIA
  274. Jean Lessard Ph.D in Organic Chemistry, Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, Emeritus Professor, 2004 Murray Raney Awardee, Organic Electrochemistry, Electrosynthesis, Chemistry of radical species, Photochemistry, Sherbrooke (quebec), CANADA
  275. Violette Levie Engineer, CANADA
  276. Mireia Llorente PhD in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Ecologistas en Acción, Extremadura, SPAIN
  277. Ron Lopert Medical Practitioner (M.B., B.S.), PSGR, Tauranga, NEW ZEALAND
  278. Renato Lopes Saveda Environmental manager, Itatiba, BRAZIL
  279. Alberto Lopez Biology, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, PERU
  280. Javier Lopez Cepero Ph. D. Agronomy - Banana Cropping, COPLACA Banana Producers Group, Canary Islands, SPAIN
  281. Miguel Lovera PhD, Plant genetic resources and agroecology., Catholic University, Asuunción, PARAGUAY
  282. David Low Manages The Weed's Network (; PhD, MEnvSc, Monash University, Clayton, AUSTRALIA
  283. Chensheng (Alex) Lu MS, PhD, Associate Professor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, UNITED STATES
  284. Mary Lucero Ph.D., USDA-ARS Research Molecular Biologist (Retired), Co-Founder, End-O-Fite Enterprises LLC, New Mexico, UNITED STATES
  285. Diana Lupu Master Degree in Drug and Evironmental Toxicology, ROMANIA
  286. Karen Lyke Clinical Nutrition MS CCN DSc, Whitehouse, UNITED STATES
  287. Amyan Macfadyen D.Sc Oxon. 1st Class Degree in Zoology Oxon.,Member Roy. Irish Academy &c. &c., Professor, Sheffield, UNITED KINGDOM
  288. Manuel Macias-gonzalez molecular endocrinologist and biochemistry, bioeasy sl, Malaga, SPAIN
  289. William Mackay Ph.D., neurophysiology of motor control, University of Toronto, Toronto, CANADA
  290. Nicola Macleod BSc, MSc, PhD. Zoology, Biochemistry, Retired (University of Edinburgh), Edinburgh, UNITED KINGDOM
  291. Angus Macqueen M.Agr.Sc.; Ph.D. (Biology) , Nil, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
  292. Alexis Maestre-saborit Therapist Medical in Lee professional Institute., Union for the Justice Laura Marx, Fort Myers, UNITED STATES
  293. Abigail Magnus BSc(Hons) Development and Environment, FRANCE
  294. Ghooran Mahto Ph.D Scholar, La Sciensika/NKS College Vaishali, Sarairanjan,samastipur,bihar, INDIA
  295. James Mako, P.e., Leed Ap Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Environmental, Electrical), USGCB LEED AP Certified (USA), James L. Mako, P.E., Inc., Boca Raton, Florida, UNITED STATES
  296. Maria Manzur PhD Zoology, Biodiversity conservation, Fundacion Sociedades Sustentables, Santiago, CHILE
  297. Cellier Marc DPhil Oxford University, Higher Education, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
  298. Francois Marillier Earth sciences, PhD, Professor, SWITZERLAND
  299. Monika Markovi? PhD in Agriculture, Osijek, CROATIA
  300. Michele Martin BA (Hons) Chemistry , Southport, UNITED KINGDOM
  301. Claudio Martinez PhD, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, URUGUAY
  302. Lucas Martinez Arocena B.Sc. in Chemist with Environment and Agriculture Orientation, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, URUGUAY
  303. Alvaro Martinez De La Vega I´m a social scientis with engineer degree. I´ve recived the most important environmetal award in Colombia , PAIS XXI FOUNDATION, Bogota, COLOMBIA
  304. Andrew Maselli Bachelor of Computer Science, Software Engineer, Rochester, UNITED STATES
  305. Juan Mason MA DPhil BM BCh FRCP, Retired, Chichester, UNITED KINGDOM
  306. Rosemary Mason Ph.D., MB, ChB, FRCA (retired), UNITED KINGDOM
  307. Estelle Masseret PhD in Ecology and Population Biology: aquatic microbiology, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier, FRANCE
  308. Tami Masuoka pharmacy, Chardon, UNITED STATES
  309. Natalie Matejko Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Science), Master of Human Nutrition, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
  310. Juanita Mathews Ph.D. Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering, UNITED STATES
  311. Gordon Matthewman Physicist, Engineer, Economist, Independent, Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
  312. Laurent Matuana PH.D., MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, East Lansing, Michigan, UNITED STATES
  313. Rory Mcgill Medical doctor, UNITED KINGDOM
  314. Dwight Mckee hematology, oncology, nutrition, immunology, Aptos, UNITED STATES
  315. Ramon Meco Expert in organic farming, Servicio de Investigación, Toledo, SPAIN
  316. Charito Medina Environment and Natural Resource Management, Systems Ecology, Entomology, MASIPAG, Los Banos, Laguna, PHILIPPINES
  317. Félix Medrano Chinchilla Agronomy Engineer and Environmental Impact Study post-grade, Mechi, Guatemala, GUATEMALA
  318. Paulo Cezar Mendes Ramos Ecology, Agroecology, Forestry, management of Protected Areas, ASCEMA, Brasília, BRAZIL
  319. Teodoro Mendoza teaching, research, extension, policy analyst, UPLOS BANOS, Los Banos, PHILIPPINES
  320. Joseph Mercola Ph.D., board certified in family medicine and Fellow of American College of Nutrition (FACN). Also founder of most visited natural health site in the world, UNITED STATES
  321. José Orestes Merola De Carvalho Agronomist Engineer (FCA/UNESP/Brazil), Master in Agronomy (ICIAG/UFU/Brazil), Agroecology Doctor in course (ISEC/UCO/Spain), Johrei Association of Spain, El Carpio, SPAIN
  322. Kelly Merrick MSW, mental health therapist studying the effects of toxins , UNITED STATES
  323. Franziska Meuschel MD PhD, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  324. Christl Meyer Diplom Biologin: Biochemistry, molecular biology, ethics..., AIDS Research, Vienna, AUSTRIA
  325. Martin C. Michener Ph.D., Hollis, NH, UNITED STATES
  326. Ana Millaruelo Ph.D. in Pharmacy/Biochemistry, R.Ph., California, UNITED STATES
  327. James Miller BSc Metallurgical Engineering, Retired, North Lincs, UNITED KINGDOM
  328. Jorge R Miranda-Massari BS, BSPharm, PharmD, Rph, Professor University of Puerto Rico, Department of Pharmacy Practice, San Juan, PUERTO RICO
  329. Sidney Mirsky Rhodes University B.Sc (Pharm)., Entrepreneur, Chemist, Retired USA, Beaverton, UNITED STATES
  330. Marc Moens Senior Livestock Officer, FAO of the UN, Roma, ITALY
  331. Gail Moncla B.S. in Bioenvironmental Sciences, Texas A, Texas, UNITED STATES
  332. Woodrow C. Monte PhD, Emeritus Professor of Food Science, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, UNITED STATES
  333. Marshal Montgomery doctor of chiropractic, Springfield Lakes, AUSTRALIA
  334. John Moran M.B.B.S. London University MSc Nutritional Medicine Surrey University D.F.F.P. (RCOG), H.M.C., London, UNITED KINGDOM
  335. Pedro Moreno candidate to Ph. D., in soil microbiology, M. Sc. in plant breeding and plant physiology. Coordinator of Bachelor school in Sustainable Agriculture, ITESS, Salvatierra, MEXICO
  336. Peter Moritz Medical Doctor, Emmendingen, GERMANY
  337. Wendy Morley RHN, Sports Concussion Nutrition Specialist, Board Certified, Practical Holistic Nutrition, CANADA
  338. Tom Morris Agronomy, UNITED STATES
  339. Frank Morton plant breeder, I have dozens of vegetable varieties in commercial production, Wild Garden Seed, Philomath, UNITED STATES
  340. Richard Moskowitz, Md Practicing M. D., Boston, Ma, UNITED STATES
  341. R.a.m. Mous Civil Engineer, Leeuwarden, NETHERLANDS
  343. Joseph Muguwa MSc Applied Parasitology and Medical Entomology, BSc Zoology and Botany, Dip in Managemenet and Administration, Dip. in Education Biology and Geography , Coordinating Office for the Control of Trypanosomiasis in Uganda (COCTU)a, Kampala, UGANDA
  344. Dr. John J Mulrooney Dc 30 years as Chiropractic Physician, Retired Physician, Portland, UNITED STATES
  345. Anne Murphy Cognitive psychologist by training, Ann Arbor, UNITED STATES
  346. David Musgrave M Agr Sci (Lincoln University) Dip Hort Sci (Massey University), Functional Whole Foods NZ Ltd, Geraldine, NEW ZEALAND
  347. Sarah Myhill Medical Practitioner MBBS Middlesex Hospital 1981, Powys, UNITED KINGDOM
  348. Anabela Nave Master in plant protection, PORTUGAL
  349. Julia Nemoto Dipl. Ing (FH) Agriculture, Honokaa, UNITED STATES
  350. Terrence Nicholson MS, PhD, Simmons College, Boston, UNITED STATES
  351. Anna Marie Nicolaysen Ph.D. in Medical Anthropology, Postdoc in Agroecology, member of Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming Division's reference group on The Spearhead Function of Organic Agriculture, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, ås, NORWAY
  352. Rachel Nicoll Environmental and Nutritional Medicine, BSEM, UNITED KINGDOM
  353. Alfonso Nieto G. Agronomist enginner, ANG Asesorias, Bogotá D.c., COLOMBIA
  354. Jan Nij Bijvank Classic Homeopath from 3 july 2015, Heino, NETHERLANDS
  355. Bo Nilsson MD, PhD in medicine and biochemistry, Swedish Healthcare, Mölndal, SWEDEN
  356. Kristof Nordin Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Mr., Holmen, UNITED STATES
  357. Eva Novotny PhD, (retired) , University of Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM
  358. Marleen Nys cPNI (clinical Psychneuroimmunology),, Gent, BELGIUM
  359. Marcella O'connell BSc, Mallow, IRELAND
  360. Elisabete Oliveira Crop protection, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
  361. Paul Olivier waste transformation, EPWT, Dalat, VIET NAM
  362. John W. Oller Ph.D. endowed Hawthorne Regents, Professor in Communication Disorders at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette, UNITED STATES
  363. Mariano Ordano Ecology and evolution of plant-animal interactions, Fundación Miguel Lillo & CONICET, Tucumán, ARGENTINA
  364. Laura Orlando BS, Civil Engineer, MPA, adjunct assistant professor, Boston University School of Public Health, UNITED STATES
  365. Joseph Oryokot Crop Ecology and Management (PhD), World Bank, Kampala, UGANDA
  366. Mario Alberto Osorio Agronomist engineer., independent , Wellington. Florida , UNITED STATES
  367. Stefano Ottani Chemistry, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bologna, ITALY
  368. William Owen-miller Associate Degree in Sustainable Technologies in Pre Engineering, finishing a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, Santa Fe, UNITED STATES
  369. Dawn Owens M.D. researcher , Oregon, UNITED STATES
  370. Ana Pacheco Microbiological biofilms; Bone infections; Environmental microbiology; Tissue culture, PORTUGAL
  371. Nancy Page MA Social Studies, Toledo, UNITED STATES
  372. Ronald Paget Biochemist with specialty in reactive oxygen species, Consultant, Galveston, UNITED STATES
  373. Tim Paine Medicine, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  374. Carlos Palacios Veterinay, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, SPAIN
  375. Joan Palmer Master Degree in Human Nutition, Founder and Director of The Institute Of Sustainable Nutrition, The Institute Of Sustainable Nutrition, West Granby, UNITED STATES
  376. Nigel Palmer BS in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineer, Masters Degree in BioMedical Engineering, West Granby, UNITED STATES
  377. Salvador Palomares Materials Science, UASLP, San Luis Potosí, MEXICO
  378. Richard Panson Microbiology of human blood, Sharp Again Naturally, White Plains, UNITED STATES
  379. P. Pardha Saradhi Environmental Biotechnology; Raising transgenics of Indian mustard, chickpea, sorghum etc.; development of marker systems alternate to antibiotic and herbicide marker systems for raising transgenics; Abiotic stress Tolerance mechanisms prevailing in plants; M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Botany , University of Delhi, Delhi, INDIA
  380. Serge Parel PhD in chemistry, SWITZERLAND
  381. Ann Parker BSc Zoology, specialising in ecology, West Lancashire, UNITED KINGDOM
  382. Safiya Parker First Class Degree in Biological Sciences specialising in Physiology , Cheshire, UNITED KINGDOM
  383. Morag Parnell MB ChB, Womens Environmental Network, Linlithgow, UNITED KINGDOM
  384. Alejandra Parra Biology and management of natural resources, Master of Planning from Otago University, RADA, Temuco, CHILE
  385. Heidi Partlowe Public Health and Industrial Hygiene, UNITED STATES
  386. Felix Partono I am a clinician, and scientist. I have an MD and PhD degree, Private, Jakarta Pusat, INDONESIA
  387. Gos Pascal Molecular Biology and Ecology, University of Geneva, Geneva, SWITZERLAND
  388. Kathleen Pelkey Do Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, AOA, Hancock, UNITED STATES
  389. Ross Pelton R.Ph., Ph.D., CCN, Scientific Director for Essential Formulas Incorporated, named one of the  Top 50 Most Influential Pharmacists in the US by American Druggist magazine for educational work in natural medicine, long-time member of Medical Advisory Board for the Life Extension Foundation, Oregon, UNITED STATES
  390. Pietro Perrino Agronomist, Plant Geneticist, Botanist, Food and health, CNR, Bari, ITALY
  391. Michelle Perro MD, Board Certified Pediatrician, international speaker on the decline of children's health related to glyphosate;, Site Lead, Institute for Health and Healing, Sutter Pacific Medical Center,, Greenbrae, CA, UNITED STATES
  392. Michael Perrone B.S. in Poltical Science, B.S. in Computer & Information Science, University of Oregon, New Earth Nation, Santa Barbara , UNITED STATES
  393. Douglas Peterson Ph. D. in psychology, San Diego Behavior Consultants, San Diego, UNITED STATES
  394. Grygorii Petjuch PhD in Gnetics, Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet, Kyiv, UKRAINE
  395. Raúl Picaporte Traditional Chinese Medicine, Independent Research, San Juan, PUERTO RICO
  396. Michel Pimbert PhD Agroecology, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry, UNITED KINGDOM
  397. Isabell Piroth Bachelor of Biology, Master of Organic Agriculture and Food Systems, GERMANY
  398. Jaro Pleva PhD in corrosion science, Hagfors, SWEDEN
  399. Arístides Pochettino Ph.D. Bioq. Especialista en Ciencias. de los Alimentos, Laboratorio de Toxicología Experimental, Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, ARGENTINA
  400. Adolf Leopold Pohl Assoc. Prof., PhD (Chemistry), Clinical Chemist, Univ. of Vienna, Vienna, AUSTRIA
  401. Gerald Pollack Ph.D., Professor of Bioengineering, Editor-in-Chief, WATER, University of Washington, Seattle, UNITED STATES
  402. Terry Pollock BS, Biology, MS Clinical Nutrition, Genova Diagnostics, Duluth, UNITED STATES
  403. Li Poon Applied Physics and Information Science, and published painter, Toronto, CANADA
  404. Betty Pope MS in bio-anthro--- retired, UNITED STATES
  405. Ila France Porcher Self taught, published ethologist, and author, independent researcher, Hope, CANADA
  406. Warren P. Porter Ph.D., Prof. of Zoology, Prof. of Environmental Toxicology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, UNITED KINGDOM
  407. Kalidas Potineni Principal Scientist (Ag.Ento.), (Ag.); Ph.D., ICAR, Eluru, INDIA
  408. Shideh Pouria MB BS BSc MRCP (UK) PhD CMT Consultant Nephrologist and General Physician with sp interest in Environmental Medicine, Kings College London, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  409. Diane Hennacy Powell MD, Johns-Hopkins trained psychiatrist and autism expert, UNITED STATES
  410. Natalie Pozo MV, Añihue Reserve, Puerto Varas, CHILE
  411. Valoha Prager BSc (Biolog), Dip Ed Nursing, Ret Registerd Nurse and Midwife, Conservationist, Schofields, AUSTRALIA
  412. Arpad Pusztai biochemistry, pharmacology, formerly Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM
  413. Greg Quist MA, Oakland, Ca, UNITED STATES
  414. Jocelyne Catherine Raccoursier Agricultural engineer, MSc in agricultural science at UWA, scholarship and honour awards, Los Angeles, CHILE
  415. Dyeanne Racette I am a General Surgeon recently retired and committed to universal health through nutrition and lifestyle changes including cleaning up the earth's environment and our own personal environment!, Morrisville Vermont, UNITED STATES
  416. Branko Radujkovic Professor, Doctor Scientiae. Nature Protection and Conservation, Sustainable Development, Faculty of Sciences, Podgorica, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO
  417. Gerard Raessens M.Sc. Forestry - WAU, Agroecologist, Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA
  418. Kazi Rakib Uddin Rakib NGO activist about ecological agriculture, SSARA (Society for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Advancement), Rajshahi, BANGLADESH
  419. Venkatasamy Ramakrishna PhD. Environmental biology , EnviroSolutions Ltd, La Gaulette, MAURITIUS
  420. Craig Ramsey Phd in agricultural weed science. Work classification as an agronomist, Dr., Fort Collins, UNITED STATES
  421. Jerome R. Ravetz BA (Swarthmore), Ph.D. (Cambridge), retired academic, UNITED KINGDOM
  422. Sandrine Regiec interdisciplinary Physics and biology - , .., Paris, FRANCE
  423. John Reynolds MB ChB, Nsw, AUSTRALIA
  424. Francisco Reynoso-mendoza Biologo, Universidad Autonomo de BCS, La Paz, Bcs, MEXICO
  425. Tony Richards MBChB, FANZCA, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
  426. Joe Ritter Ph.D. Physics, MS1 MS2 and BS Physics Publications including work in Genetics Teratology , Kihei, UNITED STATES
  427. Denise Rochon Naturopathic Doctor, Midwife, Dr Denise Rochon ND, Sechelt, CANADA
  428. Alex Rodman Majored in biology of the University of Victoria., Vancouver, CANADA
  429. Jennyfer Rodríguez Master in Sciencies: Natural resources management and rural development, MEXICO
  430. Juan Rodriguez BSc Agriculture and Msc Organic Agriculture, SPAIN
  431. Carolyn Rogers BSc (hons) DCC BAc, retired, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  432. Gregory Rogers PHD computer science, Kensington, UNITED STATES
  433. Roberto Rojas-morales MA (Research Honours); MBA (Health); Graduate Diploma Medical Imaging; Graduate Diploma Health Management; Bachelor of Health, LaChenaie, Armidale, AUSTRALIA
  434. Peter Romilly PhD, MA, BSc(Econ), PGCE, Economic consultant specialising in data analysis, environmental and transport economics, Ecmetrika Consultancy , Newport On Tay, UNITED KINGDOM
  435. Graham Rooth MD, MRCPsych, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  436. Jane Rooth MBBS, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  437. Paul Rosch M.A., M.D., New York Medical College, Valhalla, UNITED STATES
  438. Jean-claude Rostan (Pr. retired) Ecology, Lyon, FRANCE
  439. Jc Rotunda Cognitive psychology, MA, Charlottesville,va, UNITED STATES
  440. Matthew Rowland BScHons Environmental Science, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  441. Frank Rowson B.Vet.Med., Matamata, NEW ZEALAND
  442. Barry T Rubin Phd Physical Chemistry / Electrochemistry, Elementum Research Ltd, Oswestry, UNITED KINGDOM
  443. Jane Rubin Researcher in Physiological Flow Studies Unit, Imperial College, London - air flow in lungs and blood flow in arteries, Retired - formerly researcher at Imperial College, Penybontfawr, Powys Wales, UNITED KINGDOM
  444. Susan Ruecker BS Engineering Math, Portland, UNITED STATES
  445. Mario Ruggier Software Engineer (B.Sc. Math , UN/DESA, Nairobi, KENYA
  446. Kelinda Rutan-jorgensen MS Soil Science, Esparto, UNITED STATES
  447. Adelita San Vicente Master in Rural Development and Phd candidate in Agroecology , Semillas de Vida, Mexico, MEXICO
  448. Gian Paolo Sanino Biologist with expertise in free ranging marine mammals pathologies, CMMR LEVIATHAN, Santiago, CHILE
  449. Ivan Santandreu Marine Biologist, Revista Mundo Nuevo Ltda, Santiago, CHILE
  450. Soleymani Sarah Master of Arts in Social sciences, Vaud, SWITZERLAND
  451. Uta Sarfert social sciences, self-employed, Nuernberg, GERMANY
  452. Nasir Sarwar M.Sc. Hons Agricultural Economics, Ex.Marketing Manager - Monsanto - Product Development Manager for Round up and RR seeds,, ResQ Canada, Hamilton, CANADA
  453. Peter Saunders Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Applied Mathematics, King's College, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  454. Patricia Schiewe food and nutrition, Joy of Living, Lake Oswego, UNITED STATES
  455. Gerhard Schneider biosciences, mycology, Mycorama, Colombier, SWITZERLAND
  456. David Schubert Neurodegenerative disease, salk institute for biological studies, La Jolla, UNITED STATES
  457. David Schwartz M.D., Louisa, UNITED STATES
  458. Norman Schwartz MD, UNITED STATES
  459. Dr Wendy Seel PhD in plant environmental physiology, Vital Veg, Aberdeen, UNITED KINGDOM
  460. Caroline Selwood M.S.I.E.O.R., M.Eng., Staatsburg, UNITED STATES
  461. Stephanie Seneff BS, MS, EE, Ph.D.  Senior Research Scientist, MIT, UNITED STATES
  462. Gilles-Éric Séralini Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Caen, Institute of Biology, FRANCE
  463. Mahdi Shadkamfarrokhi masters in biology, UNITED STATES
  464. Rajendra Sharma Environmental medicine. MB BCh BAO LRCP&S(Ire) MFHom, Dr Sharma Diagnostics Ltd, Poole, UNITED KINGDOM
  465. Christopher A. Shaw Ph.D, Department of Ophthamology and Visual Sciences, Program in Experimental Medicine, Program in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia, CANADA
  466. Raymond Shepard EdD. Psychology, Durham, UNITED STATES
  467. Terry Shistar PhD Systematics and Ecology, University of Kansas, Beyond Pesticides, Lawrence, Ks, UNITED STATES
  468. Mira Shiva MBBS, MD Public Health Physician,coauthor “Banned & Bannable Drugs”, INDIA
  469. Vandana Shiva Ph.D., Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize), Chair, International Commision on the Future of Food and Agriculture, Ambassador, EXPO Milan, 2015. Author of “Poisons in our Food”, “The Violence of the Green Revolution”, “Stolen Harvest” and “Who feeds the World”, Dehra Dun/Delhi, INDIA
  470. Brian Shute, Ph.D. Speech-language development, communication and swallowing disorders. CCC, NBCT, Spokane, UNITED STATES
  471. Damon Shutt Ph.D. Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology, N/A, Iowa City, Ia, UNITED STATES
  472. Margarida Silva Biologist, PhD from Cornell University (USA) 1993, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, PORTUGAL
  473. John Simonsen PhD Physical Chemistry. Professor in Wood Science and Engineering at Oregon State University, Oregon State University, Corvallis, UNITED STATES
  474. Melanie Sirinathinghji Activist/campaigner, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  475. DJS Sirinathsinghji BSc, MA, PhD, Retired, Molecular Neurobiologist, UNITED KINGDOM
  476. Eva Sirinathsinghji PhD, BSc (Hons)., Researcher/Writer Institute of Science in Society, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  477. Melissa Sklar I have a Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology., Ann Arbor, UNITED STATES
  478. Alan Slater BVMS [Vet], MSc [Alzheimer's treatment], BSc [Psychologist], Chiropractor, Homeopath, BA [Music], Athena Holistics Ltd, Swaffham, UNITED KINGDOM
  479. Jack Sloggett BScF, MBA, pma, Mississauga, CANADA
  480. Crystal Smiech BS in Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, UNITED STATES
  481. Shannon Smith Veterinarian, Snohomish, Wa, UNITED STATES
  482. Gidi Smolders animal husbandry, organimprove, Lelystad, NETHERLANDS
  483. Edward Snowdon Engineer; machine building, B.A. Eng Mech., Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
  484. Carina Sparre Lippert Msc. in Biology, Aarhus, DENMARK
  485. James Spencer software engineer BS in math from U of Michigan, Glendale, UNITED STATES
  486. Richard Spike BS, DVM, Veterinarian, Jerome, UNITED STATES
  487. Joerg Spitz Medical doctor, expert in prevention, Institute for medical Information and Prevention , Schlangenbad/wiesbaden, GERMANY
  488. Janet Sprouse PharmD, Philadelphia, UNITED STATES
  489. Dr Maarten Stapper Farming Systems Agronomist, BioLogic AgFood, Canberra, AUSTRALIA
  490. Marius Høye Steen M.d., Bergen, NORWAY
  491. David Stein Computer Scientist & Inventor, DMS Enterpriseware LLC, Bradford, Ma, UNITED STATES
  492. Klaus Steinbrecher MA, MBA, > 20 different IT certifications, KPS Consulting LLC, Angel Fire, UNITED STATES
  493. Jan Steinman Electrical, mechanical, and software engineering; Ecology, EcoReality Sustainable Land Use and Education Cooperative, Salt Spring Island, CANADA
  494. Carlton Stewart Managementsix, Carlton Stewart Consultants, St.catherine, JAMAICA
  495. Cornelis (call Name Kees) Stigter Phys. Drs. (Amsterdam), Dr. Agric. Sciences (Wageningen), Agromet Vision, Bruchem, NETHERLANDS
  496. Jerry Sträng Chemical engineer, Hamburgsund, SWEDEN
  497. Ulf Strömberg MSCHE, SWEDEN
  498. Eleanor Strang Nutritionist BSc, Eleanor Strang Nutrition , Woking Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM
  499. Peter Subda MSEE (electronic engineering), Also Organic Farmer, Independent, Courtenay, B.c., CANADA
  500. Gary Swanson MD, Ashland, UNITED STATES
  501. Nancy L. Swanson BS, MS, Ph.D.  (retired) Former professor, former US Navy staff scientist, author, Lummi Island, WA, UNITED STATES
  502. Jane Tarbutt BSc Psychology, UNITED KINGDOM
  503. Nadia Tatikian Optometrist, CANADA
  504. Paul Taylor PhD Physics, San Francisco, UNITED STATES
  505. Henk Tennekes M.Sc.,Ph.D. degrees (Wageningen Agricultural University) Consultant Toxicologist, Experimental Toxicology Services NL BV, Zutphen, NETHERLANDS
  506. Gabriele Tenti Doctor vet medicine, MSc Clinical Biochem and Veterinary Lab Medicine, GP Cert,, Tuscany, ITALY
  507. Rosanne Teottier Phd anthropology, THAILAND
  508. Jean Mathieu Thevenot Master Student in Agronomic Sciences, Paris, FRANCE
  509. Groebly Thomas ethics, Ethik-Labor, Baden, SWITZERLAND
  510. Allen Thomashefsky MD, physician, Ashland, Oregon, UNITED STATES
  511. Allen J. Thomashefsky MD, PC, Oregon, UNITED STATES
  512. Murray Thompson BAppSci Environmental Health 1998 (Top of Degree); Hons I Social Ecology 1999; Former PhD Student Sociology 2000 - 2012 University of Western Sydney, AUSTRALIA
  513. Scott Thomson PhD Molecular Immunology, Royal Veterinary College, UNITED KINGDOM
  514. Walter Thut Engineer, Most Promising Cleantech Startup of Europe, 2009, Walter Thut - Water Cycles & Climat Change, Flanthey, SWITZERLAND
  515. Heather Tick physician, endowed professor, University of Washington, Seattle, UNITED STATES
  516. Lucija Tomljenovic PhD, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CANADA
  517. Jano Topercer PhD in ecology and phytopahology, Comenius University, Botanical Garden, Martin, SLOVAKIA
  518. Janneke Tops MSc organic agriculture Wageningen, nowadays an independant teacher and advisor on organic vegetable growing, Gezonde Moestuin (Healthy Homegardening), Bourtange, NETHERLANDS
  519. Roseli Torres Botanical studies, biodiversity studies, Sociedade Protetora da Diversidade das Espécies PROESP, Campinas, Sp, BRAZIL
  520. Christine Trame structural macromolecular biology, crystallography, physics, UNITED STATES
  521. Patrick Tschida Epidemiologist ( MPH, DrPH), Walden University, College of Health Sciences, Saint Paul, UNITED STATES
  522. Gabriella Turek PhD Mechanical Engineering 1994, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND
  523. Patricia Tursi Psychologist , Ph.D. GA State U 1985, Spirngfield, Mo, UNITED STATES
  524. Bernd Upnmoor Dipl. Phys. , GERMANY
  525. Richard Urbach dynamical systems, SWITZERLAND
  526. E. G. Vallianatos Ph.D. Former US EPA analyst and author of "Poison Spring.", UNITED STATES
  527. Marie-francoise Van Bressem Conservation medicine, virology, microbiology, marine mammals, Peruvian Centre for Cetacean Research, GERMANY
  528. Cor Van De Water communication, UNITED STATES
  529. Alexander Van Dort applied and nuclear physics, personal, Riethoven, NETHERLANDS
  530. Gemma Van Nijnanten master of veterinairy sciences, NETHERLANDS
  531. Koen Van Waerebeek PhD. Epidemiology, Marine Mammalogy, Cetacean Conservation Medicine Group, CEPEC, Lima , PERU
  532. Gerhard Van Wyk Computer , Private, SOUTH AFRICA
  533. Katrien Van't Hooft Veterinary science, Dutch Farm Experience, Maarsbergen, NETHERLANDS
  534. Pille Varmann psychiatry, internal medicine M.D, private practice, Saku, ESTONIA
  535. Ursula Vavrik Doctorate in economic and social sciences, NEW WAYS Center for Sustainable Development, Vienna, AUSTRIA
  536. Medardo Avila Vazquez MD, Catedra Clinica Pediatrica of Universidad Nacionald de Córdoba Red Universitaria de Ambiente y Salud / Médicos de pueblos Fumigados, ARGENTINA
  537. Alberta Velimirov Organic Food Quality, Vienna, AUSTRIA
  538. Julien Vendeville biocontrol entomology and pollination with Bombus terrestris, Biobest, Orange, FRANCE
  539. R. Venkatasamy Ph.D, Director & Consultant at EnviroSolutions Ltd., Mauritius. Member of SCIESO., MAURITIUS
  540. Biff Vernon BSc Geology, Tithe Farm, Louth, UNITED KINGDOM
  541. Damián Verzeñassi Director Instituto de Salud Socioambiental, Profesor de Salud Socioambiental, Facultad de Cs. Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, ARGENTINA
  542. Florence Volaire PhD, INRA, Montpellier, FRANCE
  543. Thierry Vrain Ph.D., Former head of Biotechnology Programs Pacific AgriFood Research Centre, Canada. Former Associate Editor, Journal of Nematology (USA) Revue de Nématologie (France), Fundamental and Applied Nematology (Europe), CANADA
  544. Valerije Vrcek Professor of Chemistry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, CROATIA
  545. Michael Wadsworth Epidemiology and social science in relation to health, Retired from Medical Research Council, UNITED KINGDOM
  546. Brittney Wagoner Aspiring Environmental Scientist with concentration in Biology, UNCCLEARN Climate Change Certificate , University of Phoenix Online (student), Milford, UNITED STATES
  547. Kenneth Walton PhD in Molecular Biology; Assoc. Prof . of Physiology and Health, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, UNITED STATES
  548. Dan Warren doctor of chiropractic (retired), Surrey, B.c. Canada, CANADA
  549. Dan P. Warren Doctor of Chiropractic (retired), Doctor , Surrey, B.c. Canada, CANADA
  550. Meriel Watts PhD; B.Agr.Sc, Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa NZ, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
  551. Jim Wellehan DVM, PhD, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl, UNITED STATES
  552. Michael White Ph.D., Marine Zoologist, Tongareva Atoll, Northern Cook Islands, Member of IUCN - Species Survival Commission: Marine Turtle Specialist Group, Cook Islands, NEW ZEALAND
  553. Sally White Science Education, MA, humanity, Salem, UNITED STATES
  554. Timothy Wigley Farmer and regenerative resource management consultant, East London, SOUTH AFRICA
  555. Dr Paul Wilke DDS, AIAOMT, ACN, Total Mouth Fitness, San Antonio, UNITED STATES
  556. Alistair Wilson botany degree, Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM
  557. Delyth Wilson BSc Chemistry & Geology, MSc. Geochemistry, Retired Teacher, Anglesey, UNITED KINGDOM
  558. Jack Wilson Mechanical Engineering - Researched glyphosate as the "Root Cause" in the rise of our health issues, Mechanical Engineering (BS), Palm Beach Gardens, Fl, UNITED STATES
  559. Lynn Wilson PhD- Cultural Anthropology, Webfish Pacific, LLC, Honolulu, Hi, UNITED STATES
  560. Leonard Winokur BSc Biology, PhD Developmental and Evolutionary Biology, CBiol MSB FRES, Independent Research Scientist, Leeds, UNITED KINGDOM
  561. Rascha Wisse Engineer Tropical Agriculture, and MSc Ecological Agriculture, Ecodorp Bergen, Egmond Aan Den Hoef, NETHERLANDS
  562. Rosana Wo Veterinarian, URUGUAY
  563. Robyn Wood Master of Applied Science in Chemical Technology, Friends of the Earth, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
  564. David A. Woolsey B.Architecture ; B.Science/acoustics-music ; M.MusicEd., David Woolsey - violinmaker, Ellsworth, UNITED STATES
  565. Goshu Worku Environmentalist, Private, Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA
  566. Oscar B. Zamora Ph.D. Professor and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Retired), University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), PHILIPPINES
  567. Kyriaki Zannettou Microbiologist Ph. D Biology, FEO-Cyprus, Larnaka, CYPRUS
  568. Frank Zimmermann Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics, Rutgers University, Piscataway, UNITED STATES
  569. Taurai Zindoga research designs, data analysis, training and extension, SAT, Masvingo, ZIMBABWE
  570. Marina Zlatin (formerly Rosina) BS/MS in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science, PhD in Biology, Moscow University, Russia, retired, formerly Moscow University., Portsmouth, UNITED STATES
  571. Victor Zue PhD in Electrical Engineering and COmputer Science; Member of US National Academy of Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Ma, UNITED STATES
  572. Iriana Zuria Ornithology, urban ecologu, MEXICO


  1. Rose Stevens food security activist, NO GMO MANITOBA on Facebook, Beausejour Manitoba, CANADA
  2. Jon Abrahamson GMO research last 7 years, Waconia Mn, UNITED STATES
  3. Erica Adorni Degree in Chemistry, Emilia, ITALY
  4. Fabrizio Adorni Perito agrario, ITALY
  5. John Afton Corporate Attorney, New York City, UNITED STATES
  6. Christina Albertson farmer, wellnesscoach, öland, SWEDEN
  7. Mohsin Allie pensioner, Phiblue Technology, Jo'burg, SOUTH AFRICA
  8. S Allison Internet Research and Networking, Integrative Health Systems, Iowa, UNITED STATES
  9. Elviza Amante education and development, Disaster Response Center, General Santos City, PHILIPPINES
  10. Clare Ambrose Interserve , North Lincolnshire , UNITED KINGDOM
  11. Jon Anderholm Masters of Education, United Educators of San Francisco, Cazadero, UNITED STATES
  12. J. Michael Anders B.S. in Botany and Horticulture; business owner for more than 20 years in Landscaping; 4 years in Botany, Gaia Landscapes, Inc., Corvallis, UNITED STATES
  13. Amber Andersen Alchemist, Longmont, UNITED STATES
  14. Magne Andersen railway track worker, Stjørdal, NORWAY
  15. Ana María Anderson Teacher of English, Magister in English Linguistics, Yo no quiero transgénicos en Chile, Santiago, CHILE
  16. Doug Anderson BSc Biochemistry & Microbio;ogy, DurhamCLEAR, Whitby, CANADA
  17. Susan Anderson Newbury Park, CA, UNITED STATES
  18. Tina Andersson GREECE
  19. Kate Andrews Concerned Citizen, Woodbury, Nj, UNITED STATES
  20. Kim Andrews B.A , Newport, UNITED KINGDOM
  21. Charles Angyal San Diego, UNITED STATES
  22. Max Anstey IT, Rugby, UNITED KINGDOM
  23. Cappelli Antonia Laurea, Comune milano, Milano, ITALY
  24. Suzanne Arms journalist and author, Birthing The Future, Bayfield, UNITED STATES
  25. Trolle Arnaud agricultural engineer, Savoir-Faire , Normandie , FRANCE
  26. Mona Arntzen (Not a scientist), Nøtterøy, NORWAY
  27. Clive Ashworth BSc, PhD, MSc, MBCS CITP, UNITED KINGDOM
  28. Cathy Aston Registered Nurse , Masters D, Sydney, AUSTRALIA
  29. Laura E. Asturias English to Spanish Translator, TransWiz, San José Pinula, GUATEMALA
  30. Mike Atkinson MBCS, CITP, concerned about the corruption of science by governments and corporations , Wiltshire, UNITED KINGDOM
  31. Dette Avalon Advanced Nurse Practitioner , Avalon Health & Wellness , Alaska , UNITED STATES
  32. Alexandra Azevedo Graduation in Veterinary Medicine, PORTUGAL
  33. Phillip Baca DDS, Apple Valley, UNITED STATES
  34. Roger Baird 45 years of independent study on natural healing and environmental toxins, Comox, CANADA
  35. David Baker Dipl. in Graduate Studies with distinction in Water Resources Technology fro Birmingham Univ,, UK, Gauff Ingenieure GmbH & Co., Eastbourne, UNITED KINGDOM
  36. Joseph Balderson Software Developer, Wasaga Beach, CANADA
  37. Richard Bale Calvia, SPAIN
  38. Janice Banks Center Barnstead, UNITED STATES
  39. Garnet Hector George Barcelo A blogger who is deeply concerned with how we are ruining our environment, our food, and our health., Surrey, B.c., CANADA
  40. Debra Baretta Health professional, Petaluma, UNITED STATES
  41. Vickie Barker Principle Executive Manager Dept. of Human Resources, AID Coordinator, ASH researcher since 1999, Molecular Nutrition/Health, Family Health Advocate, Advanced Scientific Health, UNITED STATES
  42. Marta Barrenechea Badajoz, SPAIN
  43. Marco Barsanti Geologist, Free lance , Borgo A Mozzano (lu), ITALY
  44. Mary Bartlett Hon MA. Author of the plant genus mongraph Gentians, Totnes, UNITED KINGDOM
  45. Thomas Bartlett consumer, consumer, Red Deer Alta, CANADA
  46. Michael Basiewicz materials engineer, Massillon, UNITED STATES
  47. Catherine Bath n/a, UNITED STATES
  48. Alisa Battaglia master gardener and concerned human, Cape Coral, UNITED STATES
  49. Hari Baumbach Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, Boulder, UNITED STATES
  50. Mary Beardslee no awards common sense, East Tawas, UNITED STATES
  51. Sally Beare Nutritional therapy dip BCNH, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  52. Kathleen Beavin Concerned citizen, Bothell, UNITED STATES
  53. Aminda Bech Bachelor computer science, 1969, Halden, NORWAY
  54. Debra Beck RN MSN, Placefville, UNITED STATES
  55. Yvette Beck maîtrise, Nature et Vie, Dambnature, Dambach, FRANCE
  56. Cindy Beilfuss I am Whole Food Plant Based everyday person. I have read up on this topic LOTS!, Kansas City, UNITED STATES
  57. Elizabeth Beisel, R.d. Llc clinical dietitian, ConnFACT, Farmington, UNITED STATES
  58. Mary Bella Maestra Web Design, Etobicoke, CANADA
  59. Monica Belseth none , Kongsvinger, NORWAY
  60. Benoit Ben 27 yrs on earth, Life organisation, Montreal, CANADA
  61. Rudolph Benda BSAE, Mr., Pasadena, UNITED STATES
  63. Jennifer Berman Diaz GMO activist, social media , toronto non-gmo coalition, Toronto, CANADA
  64. Judith A Berry MSW, Lawrence, UNITED STATES
  65. Simon Berson BFA, FDU, Simon's fine art, Wurtsboro, Ny, UNITED STATES
  66. Liesbeth Betten Music teacher, Maartenscollege, Groningen, NETHERLANDS
  67. Varun Bhatia Bachelors in Biology , New Hyde Park, UNITED STATES
  68. Sandi Billington Dubuque, UNITED STATES
  69. Blake Birnbaum life lessons, human race, Saginaw , UNITED STATES
  70. Kit Birskovich MA piano performance, Santa Cruz, UNITED STATES
  71. Louise Bjorknas no, White Rock, CANADA
  72. Anna Black N/A, Ottawa, CANADA
  73. Collin Blackman retired, Napier, NEW ZEALAND
  74. N G Blackmarr no expertise, Idaho, UNITED STATES
  75. Paul Blake Doctorate, Naturopathic Medicine, Select..., Tucson, UNITED STATES
  76. Sharon Blanchard MA in English, McGill University, Gatineau, CANADA
  77. John Blane Twenty-six years involvement with environmental issues. Ecology & Biology units from the Open University. And biological surveying experience within Scotland, over the past twenty-six years., Isle Of Benbecula, UNITED KINGDOM
  78. Willi Bleimeister amateur, Highland, New York, UNITED STATES
  79. Michael Bock n/a, n/a, Valletta, MALTA
  80. Leo Boekbinder graphic design, building trades - have done lots of research on GMOs and pesticides, New Orleans, UNITED STATES
  81. Robert Boettcher Retired Farmer, Retired, Big Sandy, UNITED STATES
  82. Arne Bold Long term sufferer of chemical injury ( severe ) , fighting cancer , private, Ravenshoe, AUSTRALIA
  83. Jean-d. Borel citizen, concerned about the future of the planet. As simple as this., SWITZERLAND
  84. Dianne Borlase Bachelor of Science (in Social Work) main interest in Health issues, Rt Medical Social Worker(Home gardener), Darling Downs Wa, AUSTRALIA
  85. Charlotta Bornefalk Bachelor Science, Fritsla, SWEDEN
  86. Bastiaan Bosch therapist in orthomolecular medicine,, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
  87. Francesca Boss Lawyer, SWITZERLAND
  88. Gianluca Boss Law Student, SWITZERLAND
  89. Geraldine Box BA (Hons), North Perth, AUSTRALIA
  90. Charlotte Brandrup Master of arts, DENMARK
  91. Eva Brandt home maker, teacher, GERMANY
  92. Jim Brauner Energy Medicine Practitioner, Inner Balance Wellness, Ballwin, UNITED STATES
  93. Karen Brick nutritionist, Warwick, UNITED STATES
  94. Brian Brinkley Business, Individual, Atlantic City, UNITED STATES
  95. Kim Brodey i am a somatic practitioner, CANADA
  96. Algimantas Bronisas counseling and environmental action, Bequia, SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
  97. Peter Brooking Organic Avocado grower, Friends of QEP, Paraparaumu, NEW ZEALAND
  98. Jessica Brown 1 BA Hons Degree, marketing management & branding , Bristol , UNITED KINGDOM
  99. Susan Brown -, Retired, Ca, UNITED STATES
  100. Jane Bruce-munro B.A. Stanford, M.A. Psychology, Santa Cruz, UNITED STATES
  101. Jodie Bruning Writer & researcher. B.Bus.Agribusiness,, Bay Of Plenty, NEW ZEALAND
  102. Rodger Brunning Honors BA, Scotland, CANADA
  103. Valerie Brzezinska BA Business/ Religious Studies Alverno College Milwaukee, WI, Shorewood, UNITED STATES
  104. John Brzostoski gardener....., Mr., Douglassville, UNITED STATES
  105. John Burke DMA in music, University of Michigan, Ontario, CANADA
  106. Tessa Burrington concerned about the US Trade Deal "deregulation agenda" and the UK Government when some EU safety regulations are already inadequate, independence of the BBC and more., Sussex, UNITED KINGDOM
  107. Kathy Bury Environmental concern, Inverness, UNITED KINGDOM
  108. Ron Bury Environmental concern, Beauly,, UNITED KINGDOM
  109. Leif Busk Agriculture Advicer, Permaculture, DENMARK
  110. Jan Busse GERMANY
  111. Sylvie C bac + 2, Cubjac, FRANCE
  112. Stephanie Cacopardo I have been farming and growing food for 30 yrs without needing to poison it., UNITED STATES
  113. Leslie Calk Bachelor of Arts, Berea, UNITED STATES
  114. Annemarie Call Cancer Survivor / American Cancer Society Volunteer/ Vocational Nurse, San Jose, UNITED STATES
  115. Neall Calvert Dip. Tech, B.A., Reverend, CANADA
  116. Carlos Camara Bioenergetic Terapist, Neurobienestar , Mérida, Yucatán , MEXICO
  117. Donald Campbell Awake and aware of what real science is, Human , Huntsville, UNITED STATES
  118. Lorna Campbell Health, Tunbridge Wells, UNITED KINGDOM
  119. Shalalmee Campbell Holistic pracitioner, Chattanooga, UNITED STATES
  120. Adrien Canitrot stone cutter, Rukalaf Granja eco-educativa, Bio-bio, CHILE
  121. Robert Capaldi Pa, UNITED STATES
  122. Sylvia Carduck Master Commercial Law, GERMANY
  123. Paul Carline Organic and bio-dynamic agriculture, Biggar, UNITED KINGDOM
  124. Linda Carpenter Healthcare Navigator, Petaluma, UNITED STATES
  125. Jose Carraca economist, acupuncturist, Lisboa, PORTUGAL
  126. Wendy Carroll Diploma Horticulture/Landscape, Nsw, AUSTRALIA
  127. David Carson Masters Electrical Engineering, Lawrenceville, UNITED STATES
  128. Suzanne Case Administrator of GMO Free Illinois Facebook Group, GMO Free Illinois, Hudson, UNITED STATES
  129. Toni Cavazos Health conscience concerned citizen of the world, Loxahatchee, UNITED STATES
  130. Michael Cecil Retired, Ashland, Or, UNITED STATES
  131. Antonio Cellamaro economy degree, Bologna, ITALY
  132. Rob Chahal Health consultant, Brampton, CANADA
  133. Guowei Chang Guangdong, Shunde, Vocational and technical school, CHINA
  134. Clara Chapman researcher on all things toxic to our planet (environment at large), Mount Shasta, UNITED STATES
  135. Lyn Charlton naturopath. nurse., NEW ZEALAND
  136. D Cheatham Teacher, n/a, Portland, Or, UNITED STATES
  137. Hui Chen Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  138. Meiying Chen Student, Mudanjiang University Heilongjiang, CHINA
  139. Animae Chi n/a, AUSTRALIA
  140. Carl Chiavaroli Socialand environmental activist, BeneComune, Pasadena, UNITED STATES
  141. Judith Chinn Bachelors of Science majoring in Environmental Studies, minoring in Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, UNITED STATES
  142. Jean Chung-wah-cheong bachelor of commerce, Perth, AUSTRALIA
  143. Alexandra Churchill I care., Firenze, ITALY
  144. Javier M. Claparols Sponsor of an adopted Resolution on a Moratorium on Further Release of GMOs in the (IUCN) International Union for the Conservation of Nature., Ecological Society of the Philippines, Makati City, PHILIPPINES
  145. Candice Clarke Lake Louise , CANADA
  146. Moira Clayton Permaculturist, NTS , Sunshine Coast, AUSTRALIA
  147. Duffy Clearwaters living human, Chelsea, UNITED STATES
  148. Julie Cleve bachelor degree in development studies and social anthropology, Oslo, NORWAY
  149. Josh Coates Environmental Science Student, AUSTRALIA
  150. Kim Cochin B.S. Computer Science, Portland, UNITED STATES
  151. Ann Morris Cockrell BS in Biology & Home Economics, MS in Counseling & Psychology, Retired Science Teacher, Englewood CO, UNITED STATES
  152. Philip Cohee High Priestess Of Anarchy , Loveland, Colorado, UNITED STATES
  153. Debra Cohen GMO Free CT work to pass labeling bill, Activate Ct, ConnFACT, Wethersfield, UNITED STATES
  154. Grazyna Cohen BSN, 26 years of direct acute care experience, American Nurses Association, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Park Ridge, UNITED STATES
  155. Isabel Cohen community activist and organic food advocate, Artist/Activist, Omaha, UNITED STATES
  156. Elke Colangelo ITALY
  157. Kevin Coleman degree in natural science with Open University, Independent Citizen, Banbury, Oxfordshire, UNITED KINGDOM
  158. Leona Collet Diploma of Lab Technology, Diploma of Environmental Mgt, Student of Aquaponics, Axe Creek, AUSTRALIA
  159. Christopher E Collins Retired Chief engineer , UNITED KINGDOM
  160. Michael Condon Organic Farmer, Hillsboro, UNITED STATES
  161. Ken Conrad diploma in agriculture, Nipissing, CANADA
  162. Anthony Consolato arborist,shiatsu therapist,structural integration, Mr., Hurley, UNITED STATES
  163. Terri Cook Columbia, UNITED STATES
  164. Cheryl Cooper MBA, Glenreagh, AUSTRALIA
  165. Francisco Corbacho operator, ..............private, Venlo, NETHERLANDS
  166. Carrie Coulter Concerned Human Being, thank you very much, UNITED STATES
  167. Janice Cragnolin B.A. Literature, (individual), Unadilla, Ny, UNITED STATES
  168. Meghan Craig life, Thornton Ontario, CANADA
  169. Daniel Crangle BSC Hons IT, UNITED KINGDOM
  170. Robin Crofoot phd school of hard knocks, SONF, Rossow, GERMANY
  171. Kirsten Cross English & Journalism degree, UNITED KINGDOM
  172. Peter Cross Teacher for 37 years, Chichester, UNITED KINGDOM
  173. Linda Cubranich n/a, n/a, 4299 East 71st Street, Cleveland Oh, 44105, UNITED STATES
  174. Jianhua Cui communications industry employee, CHINA
  175. Peter Cummins ability for logical processing, Cairns, AUSTRALIA
  176. Susan Cunningham n/a, n/a, Cranbrook, CANADA
  177. Zigang Dai Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  178. Guillermo Dalmazzo Abogado, investigador independiente del modelo de producción agro-industrial químico transgénico desde 2009, Nueva Ecología de la Tierra, Rafaela, ARGENTINA
  179. Diane Darling Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
  180. Kim Darwin Herbalist, Sechelt, CANADA
  181. Fritz David Head of Communications of an organisation that ssupports smallholders with agro-ecological methods and promotes a Global Change in the Cours of Agriculture, Biovision Foundation, Zurich, SWITZERLAND
  182. Sharon Davidson advoating for local and state glyphosate/chemical bans, gmo labeling/banning, label gmo nevada, UNITED STATES
  183. Emma Davies -, AUSTRALIA
  184. Jill Day Teachers Aide, Katoomba, AUSTRALIA
  185. Horacio Miguel De Carli Informatics Technician., Asamblea Popular Ambiental Colón-Ruta 135, Colón (entre Ríos), ARGENTINA
  186. Linda De Courcy BHlthSc. Comp Medicine, Dip. Nutritional Therapy, Dublin 22, IRELAND
  187. Marinus De Graaf Mecanical and automotive engineer, Nosara, COSTA RICA
  188. Manuela De Roberto no ogm, Rimini, ITALY
  189. Gerar De Ruyter Concerned and well read citizen!, Camberra, AUSTRALIA
  190. Theresa Deans Nurse, No, Svenshögen, SWEDEN
  191. Diana Dearen Artist/former college art Instructor, Ms., Santa Fe, UNITED STATES
  192. Terri Degolier School lunch lady., Rapid City, UNITED STATES
  193. Kim Demaree Health Coach , Ms., Kernersville, UNITED STATES
  194. Michelle Denise Teaching Ddiploma, Foodwatch, Bentley, AUSTRALIA
  195. Debbie Desmoulin concerned citizen, Thunder Bay , CANADA
  196. June Desmoulin Herbal Practitioner, Sacred Elements Teas , Thunder Bay, CANADA
  197. John Diaz Investigative journalist,, Orange, UNITED STATES
  198. Carolyn Dickerson Have been independently researching gmos for years because I developed ulcerative colitis and wanted to find the root cause. I believe that gmos are the cause! And have stopped eating them as much as possible. , Newport Nc, UNITED STATES
  199. Cynthia Dickinson chef, Mound, UNITED STATES
  200. Yanling Ding Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  201. Helen Disler BA. TPTC, TTLC, LAA, Farming Secrets, The Patch, AUSTRALIA
  202. Lisa Doig University of Windsor, Family, Windsor, CANADA
  203. Sylvia Dolena Master Business Consultant in Computer Technology, Organic farmer, Pele Lani Farm, Pahoa, Hawaii, UNITED STATES
  204. Cynthia Dombrowski Human race, UNITED STATES
  205. Keith Dombrowski N/A, Clarkston, UNITED STATES
  206. Kristin Douglas Surgical Nurse, retired., Hawaii, UNITED STATES
  207. Patt Doyle Bachelor of Science from West Virginia University., Heisson, UNITED STATES
  208. Charles Drace Editor, Genetic Engineering Resource Book, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
  209. Johanna Drew I am a composer/writer, UNITED STATES
  210. Virginia C Dubler Earthling, Mother, Grandmother, UNITED KINGDOM
  211. Bill Duesing Farming and the environment, Old Solar Farm, Oxfod, UNITED STATES
  212. Dandra Duncan Bachelor of Physical Education, Perth, AUSTRALIA
  213. Carol Dutra Two degrees in computer science, Certification of Specialization BIS Web Master, Mrs., Hollister, UNITED STATES
  214. Ravi Kant Dwivedi Artist. Fine Arts Graduate. Involved in Research and Documentation of Folk and Tribal Art and Culture, New Delhi, INDIA
  215. M. E. n/a, Reno, UNITED STATES
  216. Lynn Eaton HND computing, Stafford, UNITED KINGDOM
  217. Ron Edmeades No, Los Angeles, UNITED STATES
  218. Victoria Edwards Retired teacher, AUSTRALIA
  219. Liz Eglington certified organic farmer, woman farmer of the year award, educator/trainer in organic agriculture, Blue Sky Organics, Van Wyksdorp, SOUTH AFRICA
  220. Dagmar Ehling Master's in Acupuncture, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Durham, UNITED STATES
  221. Jessica Ellerton I eat food, Nantwich, UNITED KINGDOM
  222. Bonnie Ellis I am a Nutritionist and I am a very concerned mother. , Forest Row, UNITED KINGDOM
  223. Duane Emerson Retired health care worker, Park Ridge Illinois, UNITED STATES
  224. Christopher Endler Researcher , Mr., Valparaiso, UNITED STATES
  225. Angie Epstein not applicable, NEW ZEALAND
  226. Darcy Erickson Nutritionist , Mabel, UNITED STATES
  227. Pamela Erickson I have a BA in Dance from the University of California, Riverside. I have worked with children for the last 30 years. Three years ago, just by reading the label on roundup, I refused to use it on the yard at my studio where children play every day., Hamilton, Montana, UNITED STATES
  228. Ursula Eschbach Certificate 2 in retail nursery, Darra, AUSTRALIA
  229. Nathan Espen Engineer, Mr., Austin, UNITED STATES
  230. Christina Estey retired teacher, grandmother, Attleboro, UNITED STATES
  231. James Evans natural medicine, retired, Carlton, Mn., UNITED STATES
  232. Stephanie Eyolfson Mother , Traverse Bay, CANADA
  233. Malcolm Fairrington Retired Power Manager and Past Safety representative for UK union regarding Asbestos issues, Local volunteer group, Washington , UNITED KINGDOM
  234. Andrea Falcone Registered Dietitian, BSc (honour Science), BASc (Nutrition and Food), Certified Fitness Professional, Mississauga, CANADA
  235. Chuanying Fan Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Big Group, CHINA
  236. Sergio Faustino Farmer, PORTUGAL
  237. Günther Feiler Economist , UN, Stuttgart, GERMANY
  238. Tonya Ferriera Food scientist, Human being, Half Moon Bay, UNITED STATES
  239. Melody Fielding Horticulturalist, Victoria, CANADA
  240. John Finnell Masters Program Student of Chinese Medicine, Temecula, UNITED STATES
  241. Barbara Finnimore Consumer, Winnipeg, CANADA
  242. Colleen Fitzgibbon layman, CANADA
  243. Cynthia Flewelling BA, Certified Ayurvedic Specialist, UNITED STATES
  244. Lori Flynn registered nurse , home, Harrisburg, UNITED STATES
  245. Juan Ignacio Fogliatti Agronomist Engineer, Junta de Vecinos 48 Lechagua, Ancud, Chiloé, CHILE
  246. Sonya Foley LLB, Caerphilly , UNITED KINGDOM
  247. Susan Forbes Pharmacist, Homeopath, Vancouver, B.c., CANADA
  248. Tony Ford Psychology Student and Professional Designer, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  249. Karl Forsyth Independent researcher, Santa Rosa, UNITED STATES
  250. David Llewellyn Foster doctoral candidate (u of cardiff), hartland enviro action , Bideford N Devon, UNITED KINGDOM
  251. Sandra Fougere some university, Kinsac, CANADA
  252. Douglas Fox observation and reserch into soil and water living entities., Landcare, Pozieres, AUSTRALIA
  253. Lois Francis-wolf Social Work, Wood Village, UNITED STATES
  254. Lynne Fraser BSc, AUSTRALIA
  255. Holly Frenette Bachelor's Degree , UNITED KINGDOM
  256. Marja Frerichs schoolteacher, Winterswijk, NETHERLANDS
  257. Angela Frewin BA Honours Degree in English, Sutton, Surrey, UNITED KINGDOM
  258. Christine Frisco Rn Registered Nurse, California, UNITED STATES
  259. Linda Frost Organic gardener, Salt Spring Island, CANADA
  260. Nicole Fuller BA (hons), AUSTRALIA
  261. Staffan Göranson BA, Unilogo Invest AB, Falkenberg, SWEDEN
  262. John Malcolm Gaissert Retired, Arnold, UNITED STATES
  263. Davide Galletti Degree in Computer Science, ITALY
  264. Catherine Gamaroff graduate, march against monsanto, Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA
  265. Di Gamaroff home, New York , UNITED STATES
  266. Lauren Gambon Environmental, Health and Safety consultant, UNITED STATES
  267. Ying Gao Shanghai, Housewife, CHINA
  268. Jacqui Garcia Bachelor of Social Science, Citizen, South Australia, AUSTRALIA
  269. Renee Garcia Bachelor of Science Kinesiology, Emphasis Physical Therapy, Kissimmee, UNITED STATES
  270. Ricardo Garcia Velasco Licenciatura, Greenpeace, Ciudad De México, MEXICO
  271. Bryan Gardham Undergraduate Degree in Plant Biotechnology, Markham, CANADA
  272. Yasmin Gardner Queensland, AUSTRALIA
  273. Biddy Garstang Non -but I am a Mother and Grandmother, Genetic Engineering Network, Cittauton, UNITED KINGDOM
  274. Robin Eleanor Gaura kitchen scientist (mom), Bahía de Banderas, MEXICO
  275. Lindsey Gazaway Bachelor of Science in Nursing, California, UNITED STATES
  276. Agnes Gazso B.A from York University, Thornhill, Ontario, CANADA
  277. Rune Geistrand Retired from media and market analysis, Knislinge, SWEDEN
  278. Jim Gerritsen Organic Farmer 39 Years, Wood Prairie Farm, Maine, UNITED STATES
  279. Michèle Gervais Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees from University of Alberta. Holistic practitioner (sound therapist), St. Albert, Alberta, CANADA
  280. Elizabeth Gillespie MA Social Work, Talent, UNITED STATES
  281. Gary Gillespie Local concerned citizen / College Graduate / Director, RVCA, Talent, Or, UNITED STATES
  282. Farida Gillot As a very concerned worldcitizen I am doing research on GMO technology and the dark agenda's behind this since 2009., Lelystad, NETHERLANDS
  283. Betsy Gingerich informed. citizen, UNITED STATES
  284. Norman Gitzen Truth seeker and Steward of the Earth , Mr., Lake Worth, UNITED STATES
  285. Dan Goebel BS Biology, DipAc, Frederick, UNITED STATES
  286. Hesh Goldstein Masters Degree in Nutrition, HEALTH TALK HAWAII, Honolulu, UNITED STATES
  287. Jolie Goodman BA in Psychology, several teaching credentials., UNITED STATES
  288. Deborah Goodsite Social Media content creator, Photo researcher, Picture Services , Califon, UNITED STATES
  289. Eva Goss B.S. from Northwestern University, retired, Sandwich, Nh, UNITED STATES
  290. Mary Gossi former wildlife rehabber, current keen observer of nature, Bitterroot Audubon Wildlife Rehabilition, Bitterroot Valley, Montana, UNITED STATES
  291. Tim Gow Certified Organic farmer for 26 years, Mountain Valley Organic Meats, Southland, NEW ZEALAND
  292. D Graham life 101, Mrs., Garfield, UNITED STATES
  293. Dylan Graves AUSTRALIA
  294. Cheryl Gray Educator, Seeds of doubt conference, Boulder, Colorado , UNITED STATES
  295. Wendy Gray Law, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
  296. Susie Greaves BA Hons 2.1 Politics and Sociology University of Kent at Canterbury, Hull, UNITED KINGDOM
  297. Jeff Greenberg Former biotechnology executive (retired), BSc (Hon. Genetics), MBA, Greenwood Organics, Perth, CANADA
  298. Trina Gregson Education; B of Mus, MA, Clearwater, CANADA
  299. Laurey Greider amateur natural historian, Mommy, San Rafael, UNITED STATES
  300. Theo Grent Consultancy Biological Control Agents, Grent Consultancy, Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM
  301. Olwen Griffin Degree Physical chemistry/ HND Bus/Fin, Gallstone /liver casualty first handexperience of reversing illness through diet., Merseyside, UNITED KINGDOM
  302. Richard Griggs Educator, Kannapolis, UNITED STATES
  303. Andrea Gross B.A. degree, Oceanside, UNITED STATES
  304. Ben Grove musician, Forest Row, UNITED KINGDOM
  305. Karen Guidry BA Biology, BA Chemistry, Metairie, UNITED STATES
  306. Lorraine Guilleaume Bioingeneer in agronomy, Trame scrl, Limont, BELGIUM
  307. Katharine Gun BA Chinese with Japanese, UNITED KINGDOM
  308. Winsome Gunning I am a university graduate who feels my 3 concurrent breast cancers were linked to ongoing glyphosate exposures, Breast Cancer Survivor, AUSTRALIA
  309. Catalina Guzmán Ceramista, Ciudadana, D.f, MEXICO
  310. Laurie Guzoto I am the grandaughter of a farmer, a mother and a grandmother, a wife and a woman who see the dangers of spraying glyphosate on our food., Olympia, UNITED STATES
  311. Károly György Vice chair EU-OSHA; member EU ACHS, MSZOSZ, Szentendre, HUNGARY
  312. Moira Haarhoff Writer, editor and sub-editor, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA
  313. Nathalie Hachet Lifestyle writer, MA, FRANCE
  314. Paola Hack Common sense, years of own research, UNITED STATES
  315. Bruce Hallett Bachelor of Science (Oceanography), Hamilton, BERMUDA
  316. Ingela Hallnor qwerty, Sätila , SWEDEN
  317. Elizabeth B Handler Syracuse, NY, UNITED STATES
  318. Mhrylyn Hanson-wallis Food Producer, Bruny Island Gourmet Produce, South Bruny Island, AUSTRALIA
  319. Ken Hargesheimer BS agriculture; teach workshops in organic farming, Lubbock, UNITED STATES
  320. Brandie Harrop Avid home researcher, reader of scientific studies, cured my illness by removing GMO and glyphosate from my diet., Green Party of Canada, Sherwood Park, CANADA
  321. Dirk Hart Land & Water Management Engineer, NVLV Network for Vital Agriculture and Nutrition, NETHERLANDS
  322. Brian Harvey i live on this planet and would rather we didn't treat it like a gabage dump, personal, Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM
  323. Lori Harvey AA from DMACC , Boone, UNITED STATES
  324. Lars Helge Haugdal No expertise, Steinkjer, NORWAY
  325. Misti Hauser Homemaker, UNITED STATES
  326. Charles Hawkins Award for Community Service. Partcial degree in business., Two Bears Interprizes, Pacifica, UNITED STATES
  327. Mitsuko Hayakawa Linguistics, Mrs., Pearl City, UNITED STATES
  328. Henry Hayward Medway, UNITED KINGDOM
  329. Qinglin He Anning Yunnan, Kunming Steel company, employee, CHINA
  330. James Healey Chemical tech. 1 year at SUNY Farmingdale, New Oxford, UNITED STATES
  331. Clarence Healy Anti cancer activist., Institute of Cancer Education., Newry, UNITED KINGDOM
  332. Craig Hearn Macon, UNITED STATES
  333. Tanja Heggen acupuncturist, NORWAY
  334. Sayenne Heijkamp Doorn, NETHERLANDS
  335. Kellie Hein mother, Mount Pleasant, UNITED STATES
  336. Joanna Heller MSW, Guilford , UNITED STATES
  337. David Hellyer SGT RET USA , A Concerned citizen., Concerned citizen, UNITED STATES
  338. Niles Henke AAS Electronics Engineering, UNITED STATES
  339. Ricardo Henriques I am a relatively well informed and extremely concerned citizen, Goderich, CANADA
  340. Harold Henry PhD - Therapuetic Counselling, Dr., Miami, UNITED STATES
  341. Michele Hershberger MATS inTheology, Hesston College, Hesston, Ks, UNITED STATES
  342. Prishanthi Hettithanthrie Farmer, Colombo, SRI LANKA
  343. Brent Hill activist, NO GMO South Africa, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  344. Regina Hill Bachelors degree in human relations, East Patchogue, UNITED STATES
  345. Jody Hixson Suquamish, UNITED STATES
  346. Brendan Hoare Organic Systems, Organic Systems, Waitakere, NEW ZEALAND
  347. Irwin Hoenig I have been in health care for over 30 years., Laurel, UNITED STATES
  348. Marilyn Hoey Post grad , Sydney, AUSTRALIA
  349. Julie Hoie trainer, Oslo, NORWAY
  350. Jon Holden Homeopathic doctor, Grønn Helse As, Fagernes, NORWAY
  351. Joseph Holder business owner, Manteca, Ca, UNITED STATES
  352. Ron Hollis Teacher, Galloway, UNITED STATES
  353. Zen Honeycutt Moms Across America founder and director, -Select a Prefix-, Mission Viejo, UNITED STATES
  354. Anders Honningsvag University, Oslo, NORWAY
  355. Elisabeth Hood RN BSN ND, UNITED STATES
  356. Maaike Hoorweg medical doctor, Zeist, NETHERLANDS
  357. Françoise Hovelaque psychologist, Riec-sur-belon, FRANCE
  358. Ted Howard Professional Permaculture gardener/designer horticulturalist. BA in physical geography/geology , Permaculture in Nelson Group, Nelson, NEW ZEALAND
  359. Lyn Howe ms biology animal science, Beach Road Farm, Pahoa, UNITED STATES
  360. K Hower Pathology Dept., UNITED STATES
  361. Michael Hoy A friend of a lymphoma sufferer, Solon, UNITED STATES
  362. Shilong HSU Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  363. Zemin HSU Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  364. Chun Hu Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Self Employ, CHINA
  365. Biao Huang Hunan, Chenzhou, Vocational and technical schools, CHINA
  366. Chialin Huang PH.D. Candidate, College of Education, University of Washington, Seattle , Taipei, TAIWAN
  367. Haiying Huang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  368. Jerold Hubbard I have been in high production grain production for over 50 years and I have seen because of over 90 % of our food production come from annualization even of our animals, I create an ecosystem that selects for PESTS. I have become a pest creator alias grass roots farmer., Johnson, UNITED STATES
  369. Marvin Hughes BS degree in Food Science. I teach naturpathic life skills to adults that are interested, Political activist & self employed, Hastings, UNITED STATES
  370. H.j.p. Hugo deep interest, van Olphen Beheer B.V., Udenhout, NETHERLANDS
  371. Leroy Hulse Roundup toxic elements are showing up in water supplies., Mr., Forest Grove, UNITED STATES
  372. Lucinda Humphreys Canberra, AUSTRALIA
  373. Dionne Husted Teacher, B.A., UNITED STATES
  374. Frederica Huxley private, Columbia, UNITED STATES
  375. Maria Ibáñez teacher of primary school, ynqt, Valparaiso, CHILE
  376. Yoko Ito Master level, Quebec, CANADA
  377. Elisabeth Jørve Concerned mom, Nordby, NORWAY
  378. Hallie Jaeger MA Candidate DU Josef Korbel School of Intl Studies in Global Health and Food Security, EEEtheWorld, Denver, UNITED STATES
  379. Carol Jagiello none relevant, Bloomingdale, UNITED STATES
  380. Joshua James I am a American Citizen that enjoys uncontaminated food and byproducts. , NORML , Sherman Oaks, UNITED STATES
  381. Arthur Jarrett Newport-on-Tay, UNITED KINGDOM
  382. Andrea Jenney MOTHER, BAchelor of arts in advertising , Clearwater , UNITED STATES
  383. Bønne Thagaard Jensen Organic farmer, østjylland, DENMARK
  384. Gj Jeong a, FARMER,Self-Employed , Taean, KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
  385. Palle Uhd Jepsen Private consultant with experience in wildlife management, in particular marine mammals and waterbirds, DENMARK
  386. Palle Uhd Jepsen Biologist, private consulatant (wildlife and protected areas), writer, Swansea, UNITED KINGDOM
  387. Hui Jiang Xinjiang , Retiree, CHINA
  388. Joe Joe Miller Concerned as to what I am eating., retired, UNITED STATES
  389. Aaron Johnson UNITED STATES
  390. Rushka Johnson environmental activist, organic vegetable farmer, march against monsanto south africa, Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA
  391. Belinda Jones Believe in organic foods, UNITED KINGDOM
  392. Guy Jones Prosecuted products liability cases - 2,4-D etc., Mr., Conway, UNITED STATES
  393. Robert Jones Self employed builder 36 years, avid reader and local meeting organiser., Poulton-le-fylde, UNITED KINGDOM
  394. Elizabeth Jordan Retired, BARBADOS
  395. Sondre Jorgensen gardener, Det Skandaløse Orkester, Bergen, NORWAY
  396. Tony Jorgenson Senior RF Engineer with Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Lake Mary, UNITED STATES
  397. Priscilla Judd survivor of a pesticide violation , Lumby Bc, CANADA
  398. Michael Julie The Zeitgeist Movement South Africa, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  399. Rohit K A physics, nitc, Kochi, INDIA
  400. Mei Kang hospital technitian, retired, CHINA
  401. Pedro Kantaro Artist, Nogent-sur-marne, FRANCE
  402. Katheryne Kavanagh Lic Cupuncture, acupunctureinglos, Gloucester, UNITED KINGDOM
  403. Stephen Keast BA, Slaterville Springs, Ny, UNITED STATES
  404. Katie Keates Chemical engineer, Gravenhurst, CANADA
  405. Jeanne Keith-ferris BScN, Public Health Nurse, Ucluelet, CANADA
  406. Susan Keleher Dietitian, Lake Plains Dialysis, Medina, UNITED STATES
  407. Karen Keller Elementary school teacher/ mother, Del Mar, UNITED STATES
  408. Victoria Kelley Magazine editor , Aquaponics Survival Communities Magazine, Fort Garland, UNITED STATES
  409. Josie Kelly M.A. psychology MFT california license, Santa Monica, UNITED STATES
  410. Kelia Keogh Do not have any degrees, Our Land, Our Water, Our Future, Central Coast, Nsw, AUSTRALIA
  411. Jupp Kerckerinck 16 years working in shark protection, Book: , Sharkprotect e.V., Rinkerode, GERMANY
  412. Arthur Kerr-sheppard SOUTH AFRICA
  413. Har Bhajan Khalsa Organic Farmer, SOUTH AFRICA
  414. Brandy Kibler Associates Degree, Private, Glen Rock, Pa, UNITED STATES
  415. Dj King BSc, CANADA
  416. Jeff Kirkpatrick interested consumer, self, Glenshaw, Pa, UNITED STATES
  417. Lynn Kleinhenz infomaniac, New London, UNITED STATES
  418. Lothar Knobloch german Abitur, Kaarst, GERMANY
  419. Jodi Koberinski 2015 Fellow at the Oak Institute for Study of International Human Rights, Beyond Pesticides Canada, CANADA
  420. Jeremy Kobler Doctor of Chiropractic, Bach Human Biology, Kobler Chiropractic and Acupuncture LLC, Kansas City, UNITED STATES
  421. Aurelio Kopainig BA, Visual Artist, ARGENTINA
  422. Ivan Kova? Kr?eli? bachelor degree in journalism, CROATIA
  423. Beth Krncevic concerned consumer, Murrumbateman, AUSTRALIA
  424. Blanca Kroener MBA, SPAIN
  425. Jørn Krogstad BS Computer Science, Sørumsand, NORWAY
  426. Maia Kshemya N/A, Voice of the New Earth, Buderim, AUSTRALIA
  427. Max Kucera UNITED STATES
  428. Angela Kuhr Vestal, Ny, UNITED STATES
  429. Almeda Kuiphoff Mother, human being, Port Orchard, UNITED STATES
  430. Larry Kulick Licensed Acupuncturist, Masters Traditional Chinese Medicine, BS Environmental Studies, Permaculture Design Certificate, Tres Besos Vacation Rentals, Todos Santos, MEXICO
  431. Kerstin Kvisler Master's degree, örbyhus, SWEDEN
  432. Fran Kwiecien Courtenay, CANADA
  433. Nicky Kyle Organic farmer/grower 39 years, broadcaster, writer, IRELAND
  434. Rick Lacoste Need to stop killing the bees. We need nutrious food relief from disease and cancer, St.catharines, CANADA
  435. Douglas Laird MA Psychology Public Health, Victoria, CANADA
  436. Pierre Lalanne Informaticien retraité, FRANCE
  437. Gabriel Lambert Programming, Hearst, CANADA
  438. Fernando Landó Agronomist, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
  439. Franziska Lang Landscape Gardener, NORWAY
  440. Trygve Lange-nielsen Not a scientist, Nesoddtangen, NORWAY
  441. Jin Han Lao Shanghai, CHINA
  442. Donna Larner Lavery MA Spiritual Psychology - Emmy award winning investigative journalist, UNITED STATES
  443. Allen Larson I have observed my body for over 80 years, UNITED STATES
  444. Elaine Larson pursuing doctorate in Education; 40 years experience in Information Technology; awarded fine artist, UNITED STATES
  445. Rafael Lassaletta Cano Licenciado Filología Hispánica, Madrid, SPAIN
  446. Shelley Lauer BSBA, ME Patient, Tucson, Az, UNITED STATES
  447. Carole Law Not applicable, private, Port Elizabeth, SOUTH AFRICA
  448. Connie Lawrence Concerned mother and NON-GMO and glyphosate free supporter., B.A. English Language , Brookline, Nh, UNITED STATES
  449. Dan Leahy ddddddddddd, ddddd, Comox, CANADA
  450. Dorothy Lebovitz Upland, UNITED STATES
  451. Colton Leclaire N/A, American citizen, Cedar Rapids, UNITED STATES
  452. Michelle Lecuyer B.A. Mathematics, NH March Against Monsanto, Hampstead, UNITED STATES
  453. Elspeth Lee Human Sciences Degree, Nutritional Therapy Degree, Public Health Masters, Institute for Optimum Nutrition, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  454. Michael Lee BA Hons Russian and French, Llandudno, UNITED KINGDOM
  455. Dianne Lefevre Neuropsychoanalysis, Psychiatry, nutritional medicine, Retired consultant Psychiatrist, Physician, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  456. Hugh Lehman Ph.D, Philosophy of Science, Co-editor Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, retired, Guelph, CANADA
  457. Patricia Leigh-wood Long term farmer, dealign with organic vegetables and livestock., BAHAMAS
  458. Divona Leitner Vancouver, CANADA
  459. Alden Lenhart Highschool Diploma, Nantucket, UNITED STATES
  460. Billie Leonard My significant other was in Viet Nam for two tours and suffers from COPD from being sprayed with Agent Orange which is similar to glyphosate which is a component of Agent Orange., Rathdrum, UNITED STATES
  461. Bruce Lester Scrroggins,tx, UNITED STATES
  462. Andre Leu BA Communications, Grad Dip Adult Education, IFOAM - Organics International, Daintree, AUSTRALIA
  463. Linda Levin Registered Respiratory Therapist, Mrs., Punta Gorda, UNITED STATES
  464. Madelyn Levy researcher, retired, Cincinnati, UNITED STATES
  465. Ralph Lewis BSME, UNITED STATES
  466. Cao Li Sichuan, Judicial authentication, forestry resource, CHINA
  467. Yunfa Li Beijing, High way constructor , CHINA
  468. Gary Libby organic homesteader and fisherman , Port Clyde, UNITED STATES
  469. Espen Lien Radio - electronics, home, årnes, NORWAY
  470. Mona Lien interest, årnes, NORWAY
  471. Jose Walter Lima Environmental Lawyer, BRAZIL
  472. Youfu Lin Taizhou Zhejiang, Self employed, CHINA
  473. Linda Lines Colborne, CANADA
  474. Graham Lingley *, UNITED KINGDOM
  475. Shelley Linteau Entrepreneur, Mrs., Notre-dame, CANADA
  476. Claudia Little RN, BSN, MPH, retired, Ashland, UNITED STATES
  477. Guiling Liu Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Textile Factory, CHINA
  478. Jianhai Liu Self employed, CHINA
  479. Xinru Liu Beijing, retired construction worker, CHINA
  480. Zhiyuan Liu CHINA
  481. Sudassana Liyanaarachchi B.Sc , GreenLife Sri Lanka, Kandy, SRI LANKA
  482. Rodrigo Llampasona Communications Officer, Plataforma Agroecologica, Santa Cruz, BOLIVIA
  483. Cheryl Lobue Brightwaters, UNITED STATES
  484. Malcolm Lockley Primary Producer, Bridgetown, AUSTRALIA
  485. Grant Loewen Medical and water treatment (writer), Lost River, CANADA
  486. Jason Long AS in Exercise Science & Reiki Master, Rainbow man, Ann Arbor, UNITED STATES
  487. Jennifer Longford B.A. P.G C.E. Dip TESOL Dip Training the Trainers, Exeter, UNITED KINGDOM
  488. Jon Lopez Moline, UNITED STATES
  489. Linda Lord self employed, UNITED STATES
  490. Roger Lowry City , Penzance, UNITED KINGDOM
  491. Vaccari Luciano naturalist, Modena, ITALY
  492. Zoe Lujic MSc in Environmental Decision Making, permaculture, Earth Thrive, UNITED KINGDOM
  493. Pierre Lussagnet Revel, FRANCE
  494. Raymond Lutz Master's degree in Electrical Engineering., Citizens' Oversight, El Cajon, UNITED STATES
  495. Karene Lyngholm Ecologic bee keeper and gardener, The Fermented Guru, Oslo, NORWAY
  496. David Lynn Alternative Health Blogger, Mr., Charlotte, UNITED STATES
  497. Helen Lynn Visiting Researcher at the Occupational and Environmental Health Research group, University of Stirling., Alliance for Cancer Prevention, UNITED KINGDOM
  498. Teresa Lynne Volunteer and Board Member for the Society of Genetically Engineered (GE) Free BC, Port Coquitlam, CANADA
  499. Kristine Måsvær No degree, Sandnes, NORWAY
  500. Tracy Madlener Co-Founder of How To Create A Toxic Free Community, How To Create A Toxic Free Community, UNITED STATES
  501. Leif Magnusson Long life searching for health, Uddevalla, SWEDEN
  502. Shauki Mahomed Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Richmond, UNITED KINGDOM
  503. Derek Main BSc, Mr., Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  504. Lee Mallatratt Registered nurse caring for cancer patients., Durham, UNITED STATES
  505. Kimberly Mallett psychotherapist, yoga teacher, master of arts degree, Kincardine, CANADA
  506. Koteswara Rao Mannem under graduate, prajasakti, Hyderabad, INDIA
  507. Natalie Mannering Ms., Eureka Springs, UNITED STATES
  508. Melissa Mantiq I have been informally studying genetic engineering since about 1994 after a former government Risk Assessment Director spoke to the Front Range Organic Gardeners group in Denver, CO., self, Tacoma, Wa, UNITED STATES
  509. Carrascosa María Genetic resources for food anda agriculture, Red de Semillas , Sevilla, SPAIN
  510. Louise Marais I have extensively studied the effects of various chemicals in our food because I have an auto immune disease, Community Forum, Kingsburgh, SOUTH AFRICA
  511. Duane Marcus B.S. horticulture MLA Landscape Architecture, Stone Mountain Herbs, Georgia Usa, UNITED STATES
  512. Nina Marino no degrees or awards, just lots of reading, Westport, Ct, UNITED STATES
  513. Mehrdad Marjani Plantscaping, AIP, Richmond Hill, CANADA
  514. Yasminka Markovska I am a researcher of literature, theatre and culture, social anthropology and philosophy. Writer and translator. , Oslo, NORWAY
  515. Gail Marmont Bachelor of Arts University of Auckland; Postgraduate Diploma in Community and Social Work Otago, Anti-trans Pacific Partnership Trade Deal Action, Dunedin, NEW ZEALAND
  516. Paolo Maroncelli counsellor, Cesena, ITALY
  517. Pam Marshall concerned citizen, CANADA
  518. Agnieszka Marszalek I have Masters in the Science of Education, Chateh, CANADA
  519. Donna Martin Global citizen with eyes wide open., Ms., Lake Cowichan, CANADA
  520. Pedro Julian Martin Valasco manager, Zaragoza, SPAIN
  521. Stig Martinsen Why?, NORWAY
  522. Natalie Martkovich holistic practitioner, ISRAEL
  523. H Masih ?, UNITED STATES
  524. Sarah Mason BA, Exeter, New Hampshire, UNITED STATES
  525. Matthieu Mat Healer , Enagic, Alexandria, CANADA
  526. Nancy Mayo MSW, Needham Ma, UNITED STATES
  527. Donald Mccain MA Values in the Environment, Lancaster University Personal study of climate change Wrote book: Planet as Self, Grove of Elders, Hartland, UNITED KINGDOM
  528. B.a. Mcclintock Disabled with MCS. Research regarding said illness ongoing 26 years, Respiratory and Environmental Disabilities Assoc.of Hawaii, Honolulu, UNITED STATES
  529. Tara Mcdonald Improving my family's health, which may have been negatively affected by the Glyphosate-GMO food chain., Coseva, Ottawa, CANADA
  530. Stephanie Mcdowall informed Senior, n/a, Nanaimo, CANADA
  531. Cheryl Mcduff Health researcher, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND
  532. Richard Mcfatridge I usually have asthma attack after eating foods containingng soy, canola, cottonseed and corn oils., Marietta, UNITED STATES
  533. Susan Mcfie Writer, artist, researcher with forty years research into the causes of modern health problems, Independent researcher, Hastings, UNITED KINGDOM
  534. Sarah Mcgibbon nil, Nannup, AUSTRALIA
  535. Katherine Mcgillivray CANADA
  536. Julia Mcgovern non-scientist, UNITED STATES
  537. Robert Mciver Retired , Pasadena, Ca, UNITED STATES
  538. Mike Means audio/video production, Self, Bullhead City, UNITED STATES
  539. Mary Meehan Environmentalist , Los Angeles, Ca, UNITED STATES
  540. Todd Melton Indianapolis, UNITED STATES
  541. Sheilagh Menzies RSHom, Abinger Common, UNITED KINGDOM
  542. Alf John Merkesdal Carreer counselling, Oslo, NORWAY
  543. David Merlo Generalist,, Montreal, CANADA
  544. Erin Messenger student, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
  545. Gianna Milano Free Lance Science Writer/MIT Knight Science Journalist Fellow/Professor in Science Communication , SISSA (Internation School of Superior Studies) Trieste, Rome, ITALY
  546. Courtney Miller Colorado Springs , UNITED STATES
  547. Todd Millions College-Power Engineering (process operations) Medicine Hat College Medicine Hat Alberta, Y= Ranch, Cypressolar,DSC&C ltd, R.m White Valley (#49) Sask, CANADA
  548. Dean Mindock Atmospheric Science, Collinsville, UNITED STATES
  549. Prakash Narayan Mishra M.Sc. Entomology, Worked on Entomopathogenic Nematodes in IARI New Delhi, Managing Organic farming program, Productivity enhancement of crops , Ambuja Cement foundation, Kolkata, INDIA
  550. Barbara Mitchell exposed in food and a person very I'll since 1999, I need food I can tolerate. please ban as we need healthy choices not poisoned, Mitchell's Billing Service, Miami, Arizona, UNITED STATES
  551. Mardi Mitchell Student who cares, AUSTRALIA
  552. Ronnie Mitchell None., Bellingham, UNITED STATES
  553. Tony Mitra Marine Engineer, blogger, food security activist, public speaker, Canadians for Glyphosate Testing, Delta, Bc,, CANADA
  554. James Moffett Farming, Farmer, Ficksburg, SOUTH AFRICA
  555. Tibor Moldvay M.Sc. Electrical Engineering (retired), Budapest, HUNGARY
  556. Nick Mole I am a campaigner for the Pesticide Action Network UK, Pesticide Action Network UK, UNITED KINGDOM
  557. Nuria Montaudon I live in a sprayed area and I'm fighting against herbicides for our health, Colima, MEXICO
  558. Lynn Montgomery farmer, Acequia la Rosa de Castilla, Placitas, UNITED STATES
  559. Charles Moore BS, JD, Maine, UNITED STATES
  560. Lee Moore Hamilton, CANADA
  561. Sherrie Moore personal independent research , self, Pahoa, Hi., UNITED STATES
  562. Megan Moreau Bachelor Degree-Dietetics/Nutrition, Master Degree-Education, Colorado Springs, UNITED STATES
  563. Angela Morris Reverand of Earth Based Religion, Reverand, Barberton, UNITED STATES
  564. Nancy Morrison no, CANADA
  565. Jan Morritt Ba(Hons), Norwich, UNITED KINGDOM
  566. Debbie Morton Ontario, CANADA
  567. Leon Morton B.S. Chemistry Education UNC Chapel Hill,organic grower, Sabaki Gardens Foundation, Graham,nc, UNITED STATES
  568. Sheryl Mountenay Concerned citizen, Maple Ridge , CANADA
  569. Roland Mr Holistic Health and Healing , Albuquerque, UNITED STATES
  570. Steven Mr farmer, Albert Lea, UNITED STATES
  571. David Mr. Water, Bel Alton, UNITED STATES
  572. Glenn Mr. some college, Rare Fruits of Palm Beach, West Palm Beach, UNITED STATES
  573. Neil Walker Mr. Self, Champlain, Ny, UNITED STATES
  574. Autumn Ms Nutrition major, Santa Rosa, UNITED STATES
  575. Lenka Muchova loving mum, CANADA
  576. Denise Mullan concerned citizen, Fintona, IRELAND
  577. Liz Mullin Mother, Owen Sound, CANADA
  578. Fran Murrell MADGE Australia Inc, Fitzroy, AUSTRALIA
  579. Vani Saraswati Mutlur Law and Development, DCAP, New Delhi, INDIA
  580. David Mutter Nothing in particular..., Stratford, UNITED KINGDOM
  581. Renuka D Nagodavithana Bachelor of Commerce, Universal Management Services pvt ltd, Colombo 4, SRI LANKA
  582. Cristina Neilson-sewell boo monsanto, Ottawa, CANADA
  583. Shawn Neuman Bremerton, UNITED STATES
  584. John Newton Doctor of Creative Arts, UTS, Glebe, AUSTRALIA
  585. Allan Niass As an Economist, killing off ALL life forms, to improve the cost/benefit of growing one item, is WASTEful. Stupid, Self centered and claims that such persons are more intelligent and worth more, than all the rest of the Universe., Gardens Delivered, Jervis Bay, AUSTRALIA
  586. Mark Nicholas retired , Heriot Bay, CANADA
  587. Marnie Nickels Nurse , Jupiter , UNITED STATES
  588. Huailan Nie Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  589. George Niedzwiedz interested physics. Retired., Borders, UNITED KINGDOM
  590. Henk Niermans I am not a scientist, Mentereos Automotive, Llanfair Caereinion, UNITED KINGDOM
  591. Jonel Niesing High School Biology Teacher, Kewaunee High School, Kewaunee, UNITED STATES
  592. Mara Nieves Permaculture, EENUAM , Caguas, PUERTO RICO
  593. Yimei Niu Gongzhuling Jilin, Farmer, CHINA
  594. Patrick Noble Farmer of 40 years experience, Bryn Cocyn Organic Farm, Denbigh, UNITED KINGDOM
  595. Letitia Noel BFA Painting SAIC/Certified Personal Trainer/Foot Strike and Movement Specialist, Physical Esoterica Wellness, Chicago, UNITED STATES
  596. Karen Norman n/a, Stevenage, UNITED KINGDOM
  597. Tina O'connell Rescue Instructor, O2 Provider Instructor, Conservationist, Blood Born Pathogen Instructor, Underwater Researcher, Scuba Lessons Inc. Conservation Club, Lehigh Acres, UNITED STATES
  598. Joanne O'dwyer Health sciences studies/sports injuries therapist, , Ellesmere Port, UNITED KINGDOM
  599. Roberto Ochandio BS in Geography, Patagonia, ARGENTINA
  600. Nancy Oden Citizens Awards for Environmental Work on Pesticides and GMOs, Clean Earth Farms, New England, UNITED STATES
  601. Daniele Oian Traditional herbalist, SEL, Udine, ITALY
  602. Joanne Olafson nil, CANADA
  603. Patty Olejko licensed practical nurse;licensed massage practitioner;Ayruvedic herbal consultant, Irvine, UNITED STATES
  604. Torkil Olesen Dentist, Research Librarian, Copenhagen, DENMARK
  605. Laurie Olson Mom, Mrs., Port Orchard, UNITED STATES
  606. Nerina Onion Concerned non-scientist, gardener, and green campaigner, York, UNITED KINGDOM
  607. Meghan Oreilly I am a student of Naturopathic medicine - soon to be a doctor in British Columbia, New Westminster, CANADA
  608. Adriana Ortolani organic orchard, Todos los 25 hasta que se vaya Monsanto, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
  609. Megan Ouellette Bachelor of Science in Nursing, CANADA
  610. Qiaomei Ouyang Retired worker, Hunan Shaoyang, CHINA
  611. Jamed Oxford Registered Nurse, UNITED STATES
  612. Evelyn Padua nurse, queensland nurses union, AUSTRALIA
  613. Lucas Pannier master orthopedagogical and psychological sciences , BELGIUM
  614. Maryann Paredes N/A, Bridgewater, UNITED STATES
  615. Maria Grazia Paris teacher retired, Paris., Milano, ITALY
  616. Stephen Parkins Consultant , Chiang Mai, THAILAND
  617. Thomas Paterson I am a holistic counselor and the majority of my clients have intestinal complications that can be linked to glyphosate., Bear Medicine Herbs, Lincoln, UNITED STATES
  618. Scott Paton B Comm. Hons., CANADA
  619. Ilya Pavlovsky Bcs multimedia technologies, UNITED KINGDOM
  620. Don Pearce Human Resources, Pvt, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  621. Cheryl Pearson no degrees - a concerned citizen, Mackay, AUSTRALIA
  622. Ib Borup Pedersen Farmer led research on deformitees, abortions and fertilityproblems in pigs in relation to Glyphosate levels in feed., Pilegaarden, Hvidsten, DENMARK
  623. Roger Pelizzari Graduate of TM-Sidhi Program and MA in Professional Writing, Maharihsi Purusha Program, Romney, Wv, UNITED STATES
  624. Malcolm Pende MEd(LD)GCertBehMgt,DipT., Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA
  625. Li Peng Hubei, Wuhan, Huazhong university of science and technology, school of foreign language, teacher , CHINA
  626. Chris Percoulis Engineer & Computer Specialist, Ossining, UNITED STATES
  627. Maria De Lurdes Pereira Economics, 1956, Barcarena, PORTUGAL
  628. Barbara Peterson Life, Farm Wars, UNITED STATES
  629. Victoria Peyser Newark, UNITED STATES
  630. Kim H Phelps Complementary Health Services Degree, The Osteopathic Clinic, Dannevirke, NEW ZEALAND
  631. Pascaline Phillips B. Sc, ND, Toronto, CANADA
  632. Ross Phillips N/A, White Rock, CANADA
  633. Andree Piche master degree in psychology, Sainte-adèle, CANADA
  634. David Pickett I am not a scientist, Toronto, CANADA
  635. Helen Pieper hotel director, UNITED KINGDOM
  636. Klaus Pilgram Economist, more then 30 years of experience in development assistance, in particular rural development, Frankfurt, GERMANY
  637. Dorothy Piper College Graduate, n/a, Mckinney, UNITED STATES
  638. Carlos Pissarro Degree in Landscapa architecture by the University of Evora, Lagos, PORTUGAL
  639. Ann Pocock Degree in Health science, Bendigo, AUSTRALIA
  640. Susan Podger I am a concerned Earth citizen and a teacher of children. I hold Bacelor and Masters degrees., Masks4Schools, Byron Shire, AUSTRALIA
  641. Stephan Poetsch computer science, SWITZERLAND
  642. James Pott Independent researcher, Masters Degree in Developmental Psychology, Palliser Downs, Foxboro, CANADA
  643. Damian Power Independent Contract Wildlife Biologist, Wolfhound Wildlife Services, British Columbia, CANADA
  644. Sheila Pratt Bachelor of Arts; not a scientist, human race, Maple Ridge, CANADA
  645. Doreen Pretty social scientist, Ms., Niagara Falls, CANADA
  646. Katrina Pulice I am currently a student with no specific expertise, but I have a passion for cleaning up our world and this is a step in the right direction., UNITED STATES
  647. Rixia Qiu Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  648. Beth Quirke mother, and cancer patient , Tralee Co. Kerry, IRELAND
  649. Trond Qvale Farmer, NORWAY
  650. Katja Røen A citizen who cares for our planet and all living creatures and plants on it..., Rindal, NORWAY
  651. Heather Rae Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Chantilly, UNITED STATES
  652. Wendy Raebeck writer, health worker, UNITED STATES
  653. Carol Rahbari parent and grandparent, Ypsilandi, UNITED STATES
  654. Brian Rakita Organic certification agent, Speaking on behalf of myself, 23093, UNITED STATES
  655. Laura Ramsay BA/BPHE from Queen's Certificate in Nutrition from Shaw Academy, HANS, Vancouver, CANADA
  656. Malcolm Rands CEO ecostore. a science based internal manufacturer of household and body products , ecostore, St Marys Bay, NEW ZEALAND
  657. Vera Raneri humble human, Brisbane, AUSTRALIA
  658. Karen Ratzlaff Mcpherson, UNITED STATES
  659. Stelvio Ravasio no such thing, Nueva Italia, PARAGUAY
  660. Philip Record Hypnotherapist, Kent, Wa, UNITED STATES
  661. John Reed UNITED STATES
  662. Enrique Alejandro Reichel working in the field, ARGENTINA
  663. Carlos Remedios Citizen of the World, Yonkers, UNITED STATES
  664. Sophia Riad Degree in English, Cork, IRELAND
  665. Kathleen A Ricard consumer, Johnston, UNITED STATES
  666. Robyn Richards BA Psychology, minor Anthropology. working with several activist organization inc Sierra Club and Defenders of Wildlife., Albuquerque, UNITED STATES
  667. Alison Richardson Security Officer and Concerned Citizen, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  668. Michael Richmond proud owner of some small measure of common sense., Mr., Guerneville, UNITED STATES
  669. Dennis Ripley B.S. w/minor in Chemistry, Vegatable Gardener, Rock Falls, Il, UNITED STATES
  670. Louis Rivoire Atmospheric Science, M.S., Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris), Sorbonne University, Colorado State University, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, UNITED STATES
  671. Teresa Roberts M.A., Portland, UNITED STATES
  672. Nathaniel Robinson Independent Activist, Santiago De Veraguas, PANAMA
  673. Miguel Robles Artisan, Poet and Corn Eater, Project Director of Biosafety Alliance, Biosafety Alliance, San Francisco, UNITED STATES
  674. Aruna Rodrigues Lead Petitioner, Public Interest Writ Petition in India's Supreme Court, (2005 and on-going), Sunray Harvesters, Mhow Cantt., INDIA
  675. Ali Romaine Registered nurse, Grapeview, UNITED STATES
  676. Alan Rosenberg QBE and author or 5 published books, Lindros Whole Earth Consultants, Rivonia, SOUTH AFRICA
  677. Andreas Rossing Angeltveit Bachelor in Art & Culture, Porsgrunn, NORWAY
  678. Jan Rostov I am an artist and photographer, janarostovphotography, Kentfield, UNITED STATES
  679. Raynbow Rotar N/A, CANADA
  680. Debbie Rowe Bachelor of Science, UNITED STATES
  681. Henry Rowlands Media Expert, Feed The World, Veliko Tarnovo, BULGARIA
  682. Magdalena Rudd Not a scientist although studied biotechnology, Southampton, UNITED KINGDOM
  683. Lesley Rumary Kent, UNITED KINGDOM
  684. David Russell Registered Respiratory Therapist (Ret.), CANADA
  685. Kevin Ryan Bachelor of Science - Environmental science, UNITED STATES
  686. Allan Rydberg BS Physics, 1968 4 patents , Wakefield, Ri , UNITED STATES
  687. Maurice Ryton A deeply concerned citizen, Edmonton, CANADA
  688. Kati Saarinen Registered Nurse, Retired, British Columbia, CANADA
  689. Margherita Sabbioneda currently on 2nd year BA Graphic Communication Design at Central Saint Martins UAL, student , London, UNITED KINGDOM
  690. Rubén Sacchi Film director, ARGENTINA
  691. Susan Sachs Registered Nurse, UNITED STATES
  692. Fahima Sahabdeen writer, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  693. Melinda Sanders Nurse training now working in the area of cancer treatment - infusion clinic at UNC's Cancer Hospital, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Carrboro, UNITED STATES
  694. Lauren Sandford double award in science, mums say no to GMO , Powys, UNITED KINGDOM
  695. Patricia Santhuff undergraduate degree, Lawrenceville, UNITED STATES
  696. Jillian Saxen Mom that does research, My home, Joliet, Il, UNITED STATES
  697. Victoria Sayre I am a concerned mother, Crystal Lake, UNITED STATES
  698. Timothy Scerra 3 yrs of Activism against GMOs & conventional farming which also uses Toxins like RoundUp., NH Right to know, NH MAM, Pembroke, Nh, UNITED STATES
  699. Debby Schaefer Yorkville, UNITED STATES
  700. Paul Scheffer BFA in Graphic Design, LEBANON
  701. Els Schelfhout health enhancer, S-sens, Sint-niklaas, BELGIUM
  702. Olivia Schlosser BS in French , UNITED STATES
  703. Jody Schmidt Concerned citizen, Lincoln, UNITED STATES
  704. Mitya Schoppe BSN,CCRN, Registered Nurse, Saint Johnsbury, UNITED STATES
  705. Lila Schwair MFA, private, Forest Row, UNITED KINGDOM
  706. Judith D Schwartz Journalist, Bennington, UNITED STATES
  707. Nancy Sconza Board Certified Licensed Massage Therapist, Catskill, Ny, UNITED STATES
  708. April Scott Health and Nutrition Practitioner, Independence, UNITED STATES
  709. Douglas Scott Power Engineering, Vancouver, CANADA
  710. Mary Scott Bachelor of Arts Honours Class 1 (Community & Environment), Mollymook Beach, AUSTRALIA
  711. Karen Scribner B.S. Home Economics, UNITED STATES
  712. Kevin Searcy Honouring the soil, pollinators and food, Soaring Spirit Ranch, St Albert, CANADA
  713. Daniel Seedorf Farmer, East West Farm, Marietta, UNITED STATES
  714. Chris Selkirk food producer, Mechanicville, UNITED STATES
  715. Melanie Sember N/A, SOUTH AFRICA
  716. Yanina Semle Marketing degree, Posadas, ARGENTINA
  717. Paul Separk GMO free NC Triangle Chapter founder, Henderson, UNITED STATES
  718. Nicole Setlack Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Yorkton, CANADA
  719. Roland Shafer Human, Cherokee Ind, Ord, UNITED STATES
  720. Niyati Shah B.A; candidate in Master of Development Practice, CANADA
  721. Udit Shah Pharmacist, Tecumseh, CANADA
  722. Dennis Shannon BS and MS, UNITED STATES
  723. Madeleine Sharma Student, UNITED KINGDOM
  724. Stephen Shaw Retired school principal. M. Ed., Nanaimo, CANADA
  725. Wenzheng Shen Cultural Industry Manager, Wuhan, CHINA
  726. Bea Shepard Bachelor of Arts. school teacher, recovering from immune system damage via glyphosate, Englewood, Co, UNITED STATES
  727. Liadain Sherrard BA Hons in English, Cambridge University, M.Phil, Warburg Institute, Univ. of London, GREECE
  728. Yingliang Shi Small business, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang, CHINA
  729. Zhenbo Shi Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  730. Jack Shipley BS in Agriculture Science, MS in Resource Planning, Active farmer and Rancher, Grants Pass, UNITED STATES
  731. Craig Shrum teacher, CANADA
  732. Sabrina Siegel MFA, Eugene, UNITED STATES
  733. Pascal Sieger Bsc of Business, SWITZERLAND
  734. Ado Sigal Ability to think clearly, with knowledge that a member of an operating platform, cannot ever improve anything at all on its own operating platform, and if one wants to improve a program, one MUST HAVE the source code for that particular OS, so what Monsanto morons are claiming is pure idiotism., Geneva, SWITZERLAND
  735. Liz Sigel wellness, UNITED STATES
  736. Muischneek Silja no degrees/awards, Zurich, SWITZERLAND
  737. Welthy Silva educated by life, Mrs., Las Vegas, UNITED STATES
  738. Arthur Simmons Assoc in Psychology / Liberal arts, Mr., Galloway, UNITED STATES
  739. Jane Simoni Social Scientist, PhD in Sustainable Development, Brasilia, BRAZIL
  740. Jon Singleton Research analyst, AUSTRALIA
  741. Kate Skelly herbalist, lover of nature, people and the planet, Emeryville, UNITED STATES
  742. Ursula Skoglund University, Stockholm, SWEDEN
  743. Justine Skwersky Journalism degree, Philadelphia, UNITED STATES
  744. Gwendolyn Sky I live in the mountains in southwest Oregon, where the timber industry sprays a cocktail of pesticides on a regular basis. This area is known as "Cancer Valley.", Freedom from Pesticides Alliance, Cave Junction, Or, UNITED STATES
  745. Wendy Slee Busselton, AUSTRALIA
  746. Faye Slice Landscape designer, Landscape Maintenance, Organic Grower, concerned consumer, UNITED STATES
  747. J Sloggett BScF, MBA, Mississauga, CANADA
  748. Bhavini Smith Nutrional Therapy student, Institute for Optimum Nutrition, UNITED KINGDOM
  749. Connie Smith Holistic Practitioner, Movement Matters, Inc., Rochester, UNITED STATES
  750. Elsie Smith BA literature 1968, going for MA in Vedic Science right now., Fairfield, UNITED STATES
  751. Jeffrey Smith Expertise in speaking about GMO dangers, Institute for Responsible Technology, Fairfield, Ia, UNITED STATES
  752. Jeffri Smith Nutritionist, Bothell, Wa, UNITED STATES
  753. Karen Smith analyst, Bettys Bay, SOUTH AFRICA
  754. Sophie Smith Write for an environmental newsletter for Embracing The World NGO charity, Halfmoon Bay, CANADA
  755. Terri Smith Reading scientific evidence, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  756. Marjan Smits MA, MBA, Organic Farming, Indacofoods, Monsampietro Morico, ITALY
  757. Susan Snow Lafayette, UNITED STATES
  758. Carlos A. Soler Research, advertiing, Guaynabo, PUERTO RICO
  759. Deanna Sollitt organic gardener and food consumer, Comox, CANADA
  760. Alice Sommers Beekeeper, Golden, UNITED STATES
  761. Anna Sorensen Bofa, Huntley, UNITED STATES
  762. Pamela Sorg MS, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Health Coach, UNITED STATES
  763. Michael Sorrentino concerned citizen, UNITED STATES
  764. Simon Valentino Sourlas Electrician, Bergen, NORWAY
  765. Jill Southgate None - just a concerned Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother !, Essex, UNITED KINGDOM
  766. Roz Spafford Writing instructor in health sciences, CANADA
  767. Phillip Spearow Self Educated, Okeechobee, UNITED STATES
  768. Karen Spencer Analyst and project management. Trained facilitator. Master's degree, Massachusetts, UNITED STATES
  769. Helen Spicer no expertise just battling cancer & wishing to stay alive & healthy, Pulborough, UNITED KINGDOM
  770. Connie Sponheim High school teacher, director, actress, Shoreline, UNITED STATES
  771. Sharon Spriggs Able to use common sense enough to know that spraying poison on food is toxic, N Chesterfield, UNITED STATES
  772. Louise Stanley Honours BSc Fisheries Biology University of Guelph, Ontario, CANADA
  773. Lai Yin Stenqvist mp, Stockholm, SWEDEN
  774. Melanie Stephen Highers, UNITED KINGDOM
  775. Merritt Stephens I am a concerned mother who does not want to consume glyphosate, Spotsylvania, UNITED STATES
  776. Rose Stevens Holistic Practitioner, and organic gardener, NO GMO MANITOBA , Beausejour Manitoba, CANADA
  777. Alexandra Stimson BA in art, Mrs., Fairfield, UNITED STATES
  778. Donald Stone Transportation, including transport and securemnet of hazardous materials, Ashland, UNITED STATES
  779. Hanna Strauss Scientific Aid, Environmental Educator, Arleta, Ca, UNITED STATES
  780. Veit Stumpenhausen 2nd grade, Limeira, BRAZIL
  781. Marilyn Suddaby grandmother, Coquitlam, CANADA
  782. Bronwen Summers Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND
  783. Pete Summers horticulturalist, pete summers, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  784. Steve Summers Science undergraduate, Vancouver, CANADA
  785. Guijuan Sun Retired worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  786. Guizhi Sun Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  787. Wei Sun Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  788. Wujun Sun Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  789. Peter Sundell University degree, Borås, SWEDEN
  790. Pam Swain teacher, Columbus, UNITED STATES
  791. John Taft Marketing consultant, Bournemouth, UNITED KINGDOM
  792. Arya Tajdin Economist, Yajna Centre, CANADA
  793. Fred Tal Certified green home designer, Morris Plains, UNITED STATES
  794. Cesidio Tallini Cesidian law, analytic theology, and related subjects, which seems to include everything... Analytic theology is a real theory of everything that is more than just physics., Saint René Descartes University, Winnecomac (long Island), UNITED STATES
  795. Tom Taman no scientific back ground, Saskatoon, CANADA
  796. Dehua Tan Yantai Shandong, Medical doctor , CHINA
  797. Janice Tarantino Science minor, n/a, Endicott, UNITED STATES
  798. Susan Tatham n/a, Mrs., Montreal, CANADA
  799. Amy Taylor Taylor Not applicable, Society Member, Danville Indiana, UNITED STATES
  800. Peter Taylor school of hard knocks, Qld, AUSTRALIA
  801. Stephanie Taylor i am a very concerned citizen who has spent years looking at independent research of the effects of gmo's, Comox, CANADA
  802. Tina Taylor Peoria, UNITED STATES
  803. Andrew Taynton Bachelor of Social Science, Hillcrest, SOUTH AFRICA
  804. Faryn Te Atatu BEd, Grad Dip Sustainable Practice, Tauranga, NEW ZEALAND
  805. Fredrik Silvik Teigen Logistics worker, Fredrikstad , NORWAY
  806. Anne Temple I am a food activist and am very knowledgable in glyphosate., Hartland, UNITED STATES
  807. Chamil Ravinda Tennekoon Tea,Rubber agriculturist,Marketer, Anuradhapura, SRI LANKA
  808. Marielouise Theill Health and wellness, Køge, DENMARK
  809. Robin Thelen I am not okay with being a human guinea pig., Estacada, UNITED STATES
  810. Barbara Thomas Co-founder and director of GMO Free NJ, GMO Free NJ, New Jersey, UNITED STATES
  811. Mary Thomas N/A, N/A, Basildon, UNITED KINGDOM
  812. Anthony Thompson Architecture, Horticulture and Life experience, Dublin, IRELAND
  813. Bev Thornton yogi, Toronto, CANADA
  814. Margaret Thorpe Registered Nutritional Therapist, UNITED KINGDOM
  815. Gaoqiang Tian Jining Shandong, Farmer, CHINA
  816. Zhanqiang Tian Hebei, Quality check staff, CHINA
  817. Lindsay Tierney BA hons in graphic design, Wexford, IRELAND
  818. Elizabeth Timothy retired, UNITED KINGDOM
  819. L. Tirbee Years and years of personal study and research on glyphosate , Sevierville, UNITED STATES
  820. Toby Toby I am a Human who cares about the future of our planet , E. Flat Rock, UNITED STATES
  821. Limei Tong Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  822. Gisele Torres not experience, URUGUAY
  823. Michell Troche BA In Arts Spanish-American Studies, Austin, UNITED STATES
  824. Bc Tucker Bethlehem, SOUTH AFRICA
  825. Ardelle Tuxen Retired-Crop, dairy, beef,hog farmer 15 years, Residential Building Contractor, Associate Degree Interior Design, Viterbo University, Business,economics,law Courses-no degree, avid gardener, , Personal, La Crosse, UNITED STATES
  826. Anthony Tweedale MS, env';s studies, focus on reading toxicology & epidemiology; critique risk assessment, R/I/S/K/ Consultancy, Brussels, BELGIUM
  827. Julia Twohig Homoeopath - PhD Candidate, Healing Well Clinic, Adelaide, AUSTRALIA
  828. A. Tygard nature lover, UNITED STATES
  829. David Ubach business owner, Mr., Orlando, UNITED STATES
  830. Donna Ueland Associate degree science nursing, Goleta, UNITED STATES
  831. Laura Delia Ulloa Aguilar Licenciatura en filosofía, MA in Counseling, Constituyente Ciudadana Popular, San Miguel De Allende, Gto, MEXICO
  832. Werner Ulrich Veterinarian. Food Hygiene Inspector, Sta.cruz De Tenerife, SPAIN
  833. Leonetti Umberto Entrepreneur, organic and no added sugar drinks producer , BEODRINX Ltd, Murten-morat, SWITZERLAND
  834. Mayo Underwood Masters of Science, Ms., Ontario, CANADA
  835. Dawn Unruh Consumer activistt, UNITED STATES
  836. Diego Urra Gosselin I run a non profit foundation to promote non chemical ways of agriculture and Permaculture design. I have a degree in Vitivulture and winemaking, Mongeal Mapu, San, CHILE
  837. Rolf Vaardal Health professional, RVTS-West, Bergen, NORWAY
  838. Teresa Valenti Kapaa, UNITED STATES
  839. Rianne Van Den Brink BBA HRM, Oslo, NORWAY
  840. Hans Van Den Broek Practical Experiments and did use my Brain Beecolonies the reason contacts with Scientist and Beekeepers in all Continents, M, Velp, NETHERLANDS
  841. Stewart Van Der Merwe Concerned citizen, March against Monsanto South Africa, East London, SOUTH AFRICA
  842. Herman G. Van Der Waals formerly Lawyer, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS
  843. Corné Van Haastrecht agriculture, NETHERLANDS
  844. Maureen Van Hoek Concerned citizen, Riverview, UNITED STATES
  845. Mihkail Shaun Van Rooyen I am not a scientist. , Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
  846. Jen Van-achteren Hobart, AUSTRALIA
  847. Brett Vangheluwe Attorney (Doctorate of Jurisprudence), San Antonio, UNITED STATES
  848. Eric Varela Bachelor degree in Biology, PORTUGAL
  849. Vijay Vasantgadkar architect, Ontario, CANADA
  850. François Veillerette ., Generations Futures and Pesticide Action Network Europe , Paris , FRANCE
  851. Arturo Velez Expert on agave-derived biofuels, The Agave project, Mexico City, MEXICO
  852. Theresa Verrier Poulin conscientious consumer, Ms., Grand Rapids, UNITED STATES
  853. Gary Via Information Technology systems programmer, Va. Independent Consumers , Quinton, UNITED STATES
  854. Beatriz Viacava-goulet Consumer avid reader of natural alternatives my partner in life is a scientist, Birmingham, UNITED STATES
  855. Stephen Vicat Shoe Designer , Diploma of the Cordwainers Technical College, Athens, GREECE
  856. Maria Villar teacher, SPAIN
  857. Paula Villegas American Citizen who was healed of two "Incurable" autoimmune conditions by eating only organic and NON-GMO and getting rid of all chemicals in my house. , Non, Miami, Fl, UNITED STATES
  858. Brian Visser Landcarer, W.H. Landcare group, Willunga, AUSTRALIA
  859. Salvatore Vitale degree in agricultural science, Salviamo il Paesaggio Perugia, Perugia, ITALY
  860. Karel Vitek Since 1981 when I started reasarching with Roundup as safe herbicide as seen in knowledge since then advanced forward so that it is now glyphosate as the majority of contaminants for nature and human dangerous chemicals., Agricultural Chamber of Advisers of the Czech Republic, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
  861. Howard Vlieger Crop and Livestock Nutrition Advisor, Maurice, Iowa, UNITED STATES
  862. Kristin Vogel Advocate for the conservation of agricultural land, Appropriate Rural Economics, Garberville, Ca, UNITED STATES
  863. James Vokac science educator, Willow Springs, UNITED STATES
  864. William C Vuillemot Dds Doctor of Dental Surgery, Inventor, Trillium Dental PC, Lansing, Mi, UNITED STATES
  865. Sherry Wadden I do not need a degree to know that glyphosate herbicides are extremely detrimental to our right for a healthy life in the future., Westville, CANADA
  866. Ken Walker Self employed, KW Building, Hungerford, UNITED KINGDOM
  867. Sue Walker SRN, greenpeace, Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
  868. Sandra Wall concerned gramma, Kincardine, CANADA
  869. Bel Walsh BSc Applied Psychology /Counsellor , Runcorn, UNITED KINGDOM
  870. Patricia Walters BSN RN, UNITED STATES
  871. Fang Wang Beijing, China Telecom employee, CHINA
  872. Hui Wang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  873. Huiqin Wang teacher, CHINA
  874. Longjiang Wang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  875. Shuhua Wang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  876. Wen Wang Jining Shandong, Port and waterway bureau, CHINA
  877. Xiping Wang Publishing and Broadcasting Bureau, retiree, CHINA
  878. Yingzhen Wang Shenzhen, Citizen, CHINA
  879. Frank Ward A human being who is concerned with a future based only on profit not health., Depoe Bay, UNITED STATES
  880. Jody Warren PhD in political sociology, University of Wollongong, Moruya, AUSTRALIA
  881. Suzanne Warren Researcher, AUSTRALIA
  882. Voirrey Watterson Teacher at Schumacher College, Schumacher College, UNITED KINGDOM
  883. Elizabeth Watts no awards, Boynton Beach, UNITED STATES
  884. Joann Webb Vermont, UNITED STATES
  885. Terry Weinbender self educated by research, CANADA
  886. Christopher Wells Concerned Farmer , Esk, AUSTRALIA
  887. Trevor Wells Farming, Farmers Legal Action Group-South Africa, Muizenberg, SOUTH AFRICA
  888. Ileana Wenger I am a veterinarian and farmer, DS Half Diamond Farm, Alberta, CANADA
  889. John Westendorp Soil Biology and Fertility, Independant, Ontario, CANADA
  890. Don White concerned parent, UNITED STATES
  891. Jennifer White Lay person who has studied glyphosate at length , Glyphosate is Poison, Toronto, CANADA
  892. Malcolm White BSc practicing livestock farmer, Napier, NEW ZEALAND
  893. Helen Whitehead Architectural Technologist, Permaculture Designer, Food Activist and March Against Monsanto Organiser, Concerned Citizen of Earth., TAWI (Transkei Animal Welfare Initiative), Port St Johns, SOUTH AFRICA
  894. Suzanne Wickham Sociologist, Kelmscott, AUSTRALIA
  895. Rachael Wiese Psychology, UNITED STATES
  896. Brett Wilcox Sitka, UNITED STATES
  897. Sheree Wilder Concerned citizen of this earth! , Fort Bragg, UNITED STATES
  898. Cindy Wilhelm Learning Organic Farmer , Dragonfly Farm Store, Chatsworth, CANADA
  899. Helene Wilkie B.A.Honours Span, Dipl in French as a Foreign Language, Master Teacher of the Usui Method of Healing a.k.a. Reiki for over 16 yrs., TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
  900. Joel Williams Bachelor of Agricultural Science, London, UNITED KINGDOM
  901. Randee Williams Personal trainer, Owasso, UNITED STATES
  902. Roslyn Williamson Degree environmental technology , Perth, AUSTRALIA
  903. C Wilson I.T., , Calgary, CANADA
  904. Elaine Wilson Am an Organic/Alternative Landscape Designer, Torrance, UNITED STATES
  905. Mimi Winter Cottonwood, UNITED STATES
  906. Michele Wojnar father sprayed chemicals for the state of N.Y. died at 63, Port Leyden, UNITED STATES
  907. Colby Wolf housewife, Canton, UNITED STATES
  908. Robert Wolfe Former nutrition with biological science major., Self, Murray City, Oh, UNITED STATES
  909. Kelly Wood Horticulturist , UNITED STATES
  910. Claudia Woodward-rice Certified by IOIA as organic farm inspector. , Aberdeen, UNITED STATES
  911. Carly Wright Holistic Nutritionist, IRELAND
  912. Connie Wright eat the stuff, domestic engineer, Ephrata, UNITED STATES
  913. Karen Wyder Thunder Bay, ON, CANADA
  914. Sally Wylie I have no expertise in this field, Mrs., Margaret River, AUSTRALIA
  915. Beverley Wynyard Gold Coast, AUSTRALIA
  916. Jose Xavier I have listened to many debates and read many articles on this subject. It seems obvious to me that glyphosate is a powerful poison that we can well live without., Algoz, PORTUGAL
  917. Peiyuan Xiao Xinjiang , Retiree, CHINA
  918. Bingxue Xiong Chongqing Postal University, Student, CHINA
  919. Fengying Xiong Wuhan, Financal manager, Haiwan Investment, CHINA
  920. Huiwu Xiong Wuhan, accounting controller, CHINA
  921. Gu Xiulin Professor, Yunnan University of Finance & Economics, CHINA
  922. Fenghai Xu Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  923. Yiming Xu Student, Mudanjiang University Heilongjiang, CHINA
  924. Yun Xu Petrochina, exploration , CHINA
  925. Ireene-sointu Xxxx BA Hons Humanities, The Movement for Compassionate Living, Swansea, UNITED KINGDOM
  926. Guofu Yang Xiangyang Hubei, small business, CHINA
  927. Jinkui Yang Wuji County New City Village Shijiazhuang Hebei Province, CHINA
  928. Yun Yang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  929. Duanhong Yao Shenyang Liaoning, Self Employed, CHINA
  930. Jiumin Yao Hebei, Tangshan, School teacher, CHINA
  931. Ruihong Yao self employed, CHINA
  932. Kam Yau BA in Corporate Communications, UNITED STATES
  933. Juan Yi Marketing and Branding, Live Glyph Free, San Diego, UNITED STATES
  934. Yue Yin Haikou Hainan, Invester in futures, CHINA
  935. Rebecca York MSW and student of oriental medicine, Milwaukie, UNITED STATES
  936. Lucia You Bachlor of Arts - Latin American Studies, Kailua, UNITED STATES
  937. Brenda Youngblood Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, Waddell, UNITED STATES
  938. Tianyang Yu Student, Mudanjiang High School Heilongjiang, CHINA
  939. Yang Yu Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  940. Zhengang Yu Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  941. Zhidan Yu Taiwan, Shipping company crew member , CHINA
  942. Joao Yun Physics, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
  943. Matjaz Zalta Diver, Jesenice, SLOVENIA
  944. Jingtuo Zhai Shanghai, Yangshan Port, Shanghai ocean shipping tally co., LTD., yangshan port, CHINA
  945. Dian Zhang Finance, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Private Enterprise, CHINA
  946. Fangqin Zhang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  947. Fengping Zhang Citizen, Beijing, CHINA
  948. Jinfeng Zhang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  949. Mingyu Zhang Student, Mudanjiang Junior High Heilongjiang, CHINA
  950. Rui Zhang Worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  951. Rui Zhang Factory worker, CHINA
  952. Wenchen Zhang Retired worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang State Owned Enterprise, CHINA
  953. Xianhua Zhang Retired worker, Heilongjiang Mudanjiang Forest Machinary Factory, CHINA
  954. Yuanzhi Zhang Self employed, Beijing, CHINA
  955. Lili Zhou Henan, Luoyang , Municipal party committee party school, CHINA
  956. Madolynne Zimmerman Nurse Practitioner, Bethel, UNITED STATES
  957. Wanda Zubr A concerned citizen who is appalled at the reate of destruction of our environment., Tallahassee, UNITED STATES
  958. Ester Zucca teacher, Mantova, ITALY

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Article first published 08/06/15

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Morag Parnell Comment left 8th June 2015 20:08:48
It has been a long time in coming.! Thank you for doing this, and for all the work leading up to it. I do not use Facebook much but have circulated to all on my mailing lists including the Alliance for Cancer Prevention.

Xavier Borràs Comment left 8th June 2015 21:09:20
In Catalonia there are a similar campaign that promotes Som lo que Sembrem:

Arthur Jarrett Comment left 8th June 2015 21:09:56
Glyphos. Manifesto - Add Name - Non-scientist. Hello Jules, Please can you add my name, as a supportive non-scientist to the Glyphosate Manifesto. Weekly updates not required. ty Arthur Jarrett Newport-on-Tay, UK.

Gail Hek Comment left 8th June 2015 21:09:58
The fields and verges around me are regularly sprayed with glysophate-in fact I was once sprayed with it directly on my body whilst sunbathing through the hedge. I am fighting breast cancer and many bee keeper friends have lost bee colonies. I went organic once I realised how much fruit and vegetables were sprayed and even within the plant itself with neonicotinoids. I was even more shocked when I found out wheat was sprayed before harvesting to dry it.

Paul Smola Comment left 9th June 2015 00:12:12
I could hardly walk, had liver issues with yellow in the whites of my eyes and major joint pain for two years due to canola oil that was treated with Glyphosate. To this day, if I have any food that has been cooked with Canola oil, my knees get very painful, my stomach gets bloated and my intestines get very "gasie".

DR John Moran Comment left 9th June 2015 02:02:03
Pesticides are responsible for many problems in the human and animal world. Upgrading of aromatase to potent Oestrones may be responsible for an increase in Breast and Prostate cancers.

Doug Peterson Comment left 9th June 2015 03:03:30
I am very happy to see the information concerning toxicity. I consider this to be the major physical and psychological issue today related to physical and mental health.

james Comment left 9th June 2015 15:03:09
I am very concerned that in the whole GMO debate the issue of glyphosate application on food crops is being overlooked. An outright ban of, what is in essence a chelator, is not very useful. A ban on the use of glyphosate on food crops would address the issue in a more balanced way

Dr. Matthew Buckley Comment left 9th June 2015 15:03:41
There's no doubt that roundup is fueling a number of degenerative diseases. We either stop Monsanto, or Monsanto is going to stop most of the human and animal life on the planet.

Ross Pelton Comment left 10th June 2015 00:12:07
The harm that the herbicide glyphosate/Roundup is doing to human health and the environment is ASTRONOMICAL…!!! I urge everyone to sign the Manifesto on Glyphosate to as many people as possible and forward it to as many people as possible, especially politicians you have access to. Please, PLEASE, do your part to help stop this global catastrophe.

Brian Hauser MD Comment left 10th June 2015 03:03:39
By Dr. Mercola The use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup, has dramatically risen over the past 15 years, right in step with the use of GE crops. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), glyphosate appears to be strongly correlated with the rise in celiac disease. Dr. Anthony Samsel and Dr. Seneff produced some phenomenal research1 on this connection, which was published in December last year. Previously, she has investigated the relationship between glyphosate and the development of a wide array of modern diseases, including autism. She believes that glyphosate may in fact act as a transporter for aluminum (a common vaccine adjuvant) into the brain. It also appears to transport arsenic into the kidneys. For more in-depth information on this glyphosate-autism link, please listen to the full version of Dr. Seneff's interview. Use of Roundup Matches Increased Use of GE Crops, and Rise in Chronic Diseases Her initial findings were published in the journal Entropy2 last year, which was followed by a second paper,3 again co-authored with Dr. Samsel, which links glyphosate to celiac disease specifically. "There's an extremely strong correlation between the use of Roundup on corn and soy over time and the increase in all these different diseases, and celiac disease is one of them," she says. "We certainly have seen an explosive appearance of celiac disease almost overnight in the last five to 10 years... Now you have a growing section of gluten-free choices of various food products... Lots of people are intolerant to gluten, of course. But people aren't thinking, 'Why is this now true? This didn't use to be true'... I was really puzzled because wheat is not a GE product... GMO wheat is not a product that's on the market." So what's going on? Dr. Seneff's research reveals that when it comes to gluten intolerance and celiac disease, the problem actually doesn't stem from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Rather it’s related to the use of glyphosate just before the harvesting of many of the non-organic wheat crops, in order to reduce the amount of residue that needs to be cleared and to get a head start on next year’s weeds. Glyphosate-Treated Wheat Promotes Celiac Disease Celiac disease is a severe reaction to gluten that primarily affects your gastrointestinal system. Glyphosate has been shown to severely damage your gut flora and cause chronic diseases rooted in gut dysfunction. The use of glyphosate on wheat crops has risen in tandem with the rise in celiac disease. In fact, it correlates to a greater degree than glyphosate usage on corn and soy. According to Dr. Seneff, desiccating4 non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came in vogue about 15 years ago. Interestingly enough, when you expose wheat to a toxic chemical like glyphosate, it actually releases more seeds. “It ‘goes to seed’ as it dies,” Dr. Seneff explains. “At its last gasp, it releases the seed.” This results in slightly greater yield, and the glyphosate also kills rye grass, a major weed problem for wheat growers that is resistant to many other herbicides. What they're not taking into consideration is the fact that rye grass helps rebalance the soil, and from that perspective is a beneficial plant. So, most of the non-organic wheat supply is now contaminated with glyphosate. A large percentage of processed foods are made from wheat, and this helps explain the explosion of celiac disease and other gut dysfunction. What happens is that the villi in your gut get destroyed by the glyphosate, which reduces your ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Also, wheat contains gliadin, which is difficult to break down. Normally, a reaction takes place that builds connections between different proteins in the wheat. But glyphosate gets right in the middle of that process too, resulting in wheat that is highly indigestible. Dr. Seneff and her co-researcher Dr. Anthony Samsel believe the glyphosate may attach to the gliadin as a consequence of a chemical reaction. The end result is that your body develops an immune reaction. As noted in their study:5 "[G]ut dysbiosis, brought on by exposure to glyphosate, plays a crucial role in the development of celiac disease. Many CYP enzymes are impaired in association with celiac disease, and we show that glyphosate's known suppression of CYP enzyme activity in plants and animals plausibly explains this effect in humans." Glyphosate Disrupts Important Sulfate Pathway Implicated in Celiac Disease Glyphosate causes gut dysbiosis (a condition of microbial imbalance in your intestines that can lead to gut inflammation and leaky gut) and an overgrowth of pathogens. Sulfur, and the sulfur pathway, plays in important part in optimal health, and when your gut is inflamed, your body’s ability to transport sulfate is impaired. This is in part why Dr. Seneff recommends soaking in magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) baths rather than taking a sulfur supplement (such as chondroitin sulfate, for example.) This way, it can bypass your gut mucosa. The sulfur pathway is also implicated in celiac disease, and this is the connection between glyphosate exposure and celiac: "There are two classes of molecules that transport sulfate. One is the sterols: cholesterol, vitamin D, and all sex hormones – estrogen, testosterone, and DHEA. On the other side, you have all the neurotransmitters. This is the dopamine, melatonin, serotonin, and the adrenaline. All of those transport sulfate. They're all derived from this pathway that glyphosate disrupts," Dr. Seneff explains. "Glyphosate disrupts the shikimate pathway, which is a biological pathway in plants and in microbes. That pathway produces the precursors to all those neurotransmitters. When you can't produce those precursors... because of the glyphosate, you become deficient. This links directly to celiac disease because serotonin is very strongly implicated in celiac disease. In fact, you have an overproduction of serotonin whenever you have dietary tryptophan. In celiac, these cells are hypersensitized. They take in the tryptophan and make serotonin out of it [editor's note: the majority of serotonin is produced in your gut, not your brain]. Tryptophan is one of the products of this pathway that glyphosate disrupts. Your body is really eager to grab every bit of tryptophan it can find in the diet and immediately turn it into serotonin... But too much serotonin causes diarrhea. That's how you get a connection to the celiac disease behavior." To summarize, most of the serotonin that's produced in your body is produced in your gut in response to tryptophan. Wheat is a good source of tryptophan, but when the wheat is contaminated with glyphosate, your gut cells go into overdrive and begin producing too much serotonin, which in turn produces many of the common symptoms of celiac disease, such as diarrhea. Celiac Disease Comorbidities According to Dr. Seneff, there are a number of comorbidities of celiac disease: diseases or conditions that are more common in people with celiac disease compared to the normal population. For example, they have a higher risk of producing children with disabilities and various birth defects. One example is anencephaly or microcephaly, which is a missing brain or small brain. She notes that this exceptionally rare disorder, anencephaly, has become increasingly common in babies born in certain regions of Washington State. While this serious birth defect normally affects only one in the entire US population each year, there have been about 20 cases born in Washington State over the course of just two or three years. "They looked at everything except at glyphosate," she notes. "They didn't look at glyphosate because they consider it to be harmless. They are using tons of it around the waterway...There have been papers written that have shown that glyphosate causes anencephaly in frogs—a clear connection there. I even know why. It's because of the excess retinoic acid, which is well-known to cause anencephaly... glyphosate also disrupts cytochrome p450 enzymes in the liver; it's a CYP enzyme that breaks down retinoic acid. When you can't break it down... the retinoic acid builds up and becomes toxic to the embryo. It's very clear to me, that connection. And then, of course, the celiac disease is an indicator of glyphosate exposure. Celiac patients also have a very high risk of cancer. That's probably why they die prematurely. They typically live a shorter life. I think their life is reduced by three to five years." Gastrointestinal (GI) cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma are among the most common comorbidities among those with celiac disease. Here Dr. Seneff goes into a number of details relating to glyphosate's influence on cancer and its link to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. For those details, please listen to the full version Dr. Seneff's interview, or read through the transcript. It seems clear that if you have cancer or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, you'd be wise to switch to an all-organic diet in order to avoid any further exposure to glyphosate. Dr. Seneff believes it's important to address sulfate deficiency whenever you're suffering with a chronic disease, including cancer and lymphoma. In her opinion, eating sulfur-rich foods is part and parcel of the solution. Garlic is a very good source of sulfur. Raw garlic is the most potent. According to Dr. Seneff, you don't need to concern yourself with the issue of sulfate transport because the garlic form of sulfur is very easy to transport. Your red blood cells oxidize it to sulfate, and it gets into your blood as sulforaphane. Glyphosate Chelates Minerals and Promotes Deficiencies Making sure you're getting enough trace minerals is also important, as glyphosate disrupts a wide variety of them, including manganese, iron, cobalt (cobalamin) and molybdenum, and copper, just to name a few. All of these minerals are affected because the glyphosate causes your body to mismanage them. It chelates the minerals in your gut, so the gut bacteria can't get to them. And your gut bacteria need minerals to work properly. For example, Lactobacillus depends on manganese. According to Dr. Seneff, these bacteria have an unusual mechanism to protect themselves from oxidative damage, which involves manganese. But they can't get at it because the manganese hides inside the glyphosate molecule... The human body depends on minerals for a wide variety of functions, but it's important to get minerals in a bioavailable form. You can't take a mineral supplement. You need to get them through your diet so that your body can utilize them properly. Hence, an organic diet devoid of glyphosate is again the answer. Natural salt, such as sea salt or Himalayan salt is also a good addition to eating lots of vegetables. Is There Hope for the Future? The chemical technology industry controls most of our government agencies from the inside these days, which can easily make one despondent. Is there any hope for the future? "There is hope," Dr. Seneff says. "I have hope through China and Russia, interestingly enough. Russia has made a pretty strong stand against GMO. Putin has been saying, 'You can go ahead and eat your GMO foods, but we don't want them.' The guy knows, which I love. And I just came back from a conference in Beijing put on by Professor Gu. She brought in people from around the world... who are sounding the alarm about GMOs and Roundup. Don Huber was there, and Mae-Wan Ho... Jeffrey Smith... and from Australia, there was Judy Carman, who studied the pigs...China will really have an impact if they simply refuse to import GMO soy. They're finding, by the way, that in step with the increased imports of GMO Roundup-Ready soy… they're finding tremendous increases in autism, Parkinson's disease, infertility, and all the same things we're seeing here. ...I just do not understand how the US government refuses to acknowledge that we're basically slowly poisoning and killing our population. We're going to have a huge autism problem in 10 or 15 years. Mothers rising up and saying 'I'm going to feed my child organic food only'—that's the only way we're going to stop it. We have to push the organic movement... In fact, one of the people at this conference was Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, which is an organization of moms. Her son had autism. She fixed his autism by putting him on an organic diet." Can You Detox Glyphosate? It's important to understand that you cannot wash glyphosate off genetically engineered foods, as it is then incorporated into each cell of the plant. And when you're consuming processed foods, clearly you cannot rinse off any contamination—it's already been processed into the final product. So truly, the only way to eliminate it from your diet is to avoid conventionally grown foods and processed foods, and to eat as many organic foods as possible. Organic standards do not permit glyphosate. Do not confuse this with labels that say "natural" or "all-natural." These are not regulated, and are often GMO! This is equally if not more important when it comes to meat and other animal products, as factory-farmed animals are typically raised on a GMO diet, and glyphosate bioaccumulates in the tissues. So what about detoxing? According to Dr. Seneff, they've had some success detoxing animals of glyphosate by feeding them charcoal and humus (the dark organic material in soils). The problem, again, is that glyphosate bioaccumulates throughout your body, and it can be difficult to get out. It's also unclear just how effective taking charcoal might be for humans. In short, it's much harder to reverse the damage once it's done, so the answer is to avoid glyphosate from the start—especially in your child's diet. The only way to do that right now is to buy certified organic food, or food from a local farmer you know is not using glyphosate or other synthetic chemicals. Perhaps the best alternative is to grow your own. "I think there's going to be a run on organic once everybody wakes up," Dr. Seneff says. "If you're not growing your own, you won't have access. It would be very difficult." Take Control of Your Health—Choose Your Foods Wisely According to Dr. Seneff, a number of frightening revelations concerning GE foods themselves came out during the Beijing conference, which we did not have time to go over in this interview. But clearly, besides the potential hazards associated with GE foods—which includes heightened allergenicity—the issue of glyphosate contamination is a very important one. It appears to play an instrumental role not only in celiac disease, but also in autism, Alzheimer's, and cancer. In fact, Dr. Seneff's work suggests it may play a role in most chronic diseases. "There are many, many reasons to avoid these processed foods that our government is encouraging us to eat," she says. "Taking complete ownership of your food by growing your own is the most special thing you can do, not just for yourself but for humanity and for the earth itself. Everyone who pitches in to contribute their piece of healthy grown food with developing healthy soil is so important to our future salvation because if we don't move fast with this, we're going to end up with a country that's so sick... we're going to spend all of our time and all of our money taking care of the sick and needy. We won't be able to do anything else. We need to move quickly, and individually make ourselves healthy by eating healthy foods and by putting in the effort to cook and the effort to grow the food ourselves. Buy organic. Support the organic farmers. Don't worry about the fact that it's costing you a little more in food because it's going to save you a huge amount on healthcare down the road. It's going to totally pay for itself. If people can get into that mindset, we can make it happen as individuals. We don't need the government [to act]."

Ragnhild Boes Comment left 10th June 2015 15:03:23
COncerns for the health of current and coming generations demand that we do our utmost to create a healthy environment - and remove toxins that may be causing harm. Cancr has become epidemic in our time, and we need to remove anything that my contribute to it.

Kevin Coleman Comment left 10th June 2015 15:03:14
There is a particular reluctance on the part of the powers that be to actually ban Glyphosate based herbicides and I suspect part of it is because GM crops modified to be tolerant to Monsanto's Roundup herbicide make up about 80% of all GM crops grown globally and the banning of Glyphosate would put a huge spanner into the works of the pro GM lobby and the bio-tech industry all in one fell swoop. I doubt that the powers that be will actually stop the use of this herbicide until there is an adequate replacement to maintain both profit for their fat cat friends and maintain credibility and functionality of the GM crop program especially where there is an issue of herbicide tolerance to prop up.

D. Owens Comment left 10th June 2015 15:03:52
One wonders if this is why the marked increase in Crohn's disease in humans also - a disease which is not 'reportable' to the authorities but which went from rare to common now, and is especially devastating because it hits just when young adults are starting out their working lives.

Arya Comment left 11th June 2015 02:02:32
Glyphosate and Monsanto's Roundup is killing ALL life on this planet:

Umberto Leonetti Comment left 11th June 2015 05:05:26
CLEAN FOOD SOURCES Our feed is our primary source of energy. Just as other energy sources, food must be clean and renewable. Isn’t man what he eats? join ecolomy:

Mary Fraser Comment left 11th June 2015 05:05:13
My family has owned a property in the middle of the Midwest US corn growing region for the past 100 years. In the last three years most of the small mammal life, bird life and insect life has disappeared. I fear for our future.

Risa Beach Comment left 11th June 2015 14:02:08
It's good to see people are finally seeing the light about this horrific problem. IRT- keep up the good work!

Michelle Lecuyer Comment left 14th June 2015 05:05:15
Please continue to share this widely on social media. Awareness is being generated and we are in the midst of true change. Together we are making a difference and truth is coming out. We are reaching a tipping point!

Michel Woodbury Comment left 14th June 2015 16:04:07
Here in Puerto Rico they's starting to be a small movement against pesticides. Just a couple weeks ago there was a march against Monsanto. I'm afraid it is big money against the little guy so I do not have much hope for this. I continue to be impressed with what Dr. Mercola is doing to keeping as many people up-to-date on this ecological disaster. Did you know that Monsanto wanted Michelle Obama to use pesticides in her garden so that she would be giving a good name to his garbage? Luckily she refused. However she cannot mention that she has an organic garden. Very sad.

Jacquie Williams Comment left 16th June 2015 22:10:34
We have a Prime Minister here in Canada who cares nothing for the people, only the almighty dollar. I will continue to shout and speak out against Monsanto's continued poisoning of our planet and populace.

Al Jablan Comment left 18th June 2015 00:12:43
I am thrilled that Hungary is in the forefront of struggling against one of the most sinister aspects of globalization, the spread of GMOs and destructive dangerous medical pharmaceutical chemical industrial agricultural practices. One remembers DDT Thalidomide Organophosphorus insecticides nerve gases DES dioxin and a whole host of toxins which caused cancer of the vagina in daughters, the horrific phocomelia. I just heard from an endocrinologist from Toronto that there are innumerable cases of thyroid cancer from Chernobyl and of course we cannot forget Fukushima and DU weapons in Desert Storm.

Mac Fairrington Comment left 19th June 2015 00:12:26
We have a volunteer group who assist our council with regard to littering. however we are very concerned how the council treat the general public by spraying Glyphosate around children parks and player areas. they also spray against residents property without permission. HSE and RoSPA regulations are not followed and they disregard PPE protection of their workers

Robyn Wood Comment left 19th June 2015 17:05:52
The poisoning of our planet has to stop. Corporate scientists need to take long term health and safety studies seriously. Its not good enough to cross your fingers and hope when unleashing new technology onto the marketplace like glyphosate and GMOs.

denise ward Comment left 22nd June 2015 05:05:37
It's funny why we still have government. It is the biggest hindrance to our health and happiness. It's supposed to save us time, but it's not doing that. We'd be better off voting on issues ourselves, representing ourselves 100%. With the internet, this could be done quite easily. We need circumvent the obstacles and save ourselves misery, poor health and our time lobbying the dingbats.

ester Comment left 23rd June 2015 06:06:01
Agire , piuttosto che parlare !

diana vandiver Comment left 23rd June 2015 06:06:46
Our govt could put a stop to Monsanto and others poisoning our food sources.

Cathy Comment left 28th June 2015 05:05:08
Please read Brian Hauser comment 9 June. Please also note that some medications are now inappropriate for celiacs. They do contain cautions but people have taken them as the GP prescribed them and have resulted in near fatality. So saddening that human greed has caused such harm. Please advise all your acquaintance that these risks are real and avoidable. Please join our quest to make the world a safer place.

Maria Grazia Paris Comment left 28th June 2015 22:10:31
I'm very interesting about the environmental problems because in the last decades the world has becoming more and more poisoned in many fields.The public opinion is often unaware of many of these risks because the mean information organs are subjected by the big corporations interests. I didn't know for a long time that the glyphosate (Roundup) is so used in Italy, although the GMOs are forbidden. Now I'm not even sure the GMOs are really absent in our factory farms.

Laurie Olson Comment left 14th July 2015 00:12:00
I've been working with Moms Across America for the past three years and we have many, many moms (including myself) who have seen drastic changes for the better in our kids health and our own health as we transition off foods that are Genetically Engineered and foods that are being sprayed with Glyphosate and onto organic foods. I'm shocked to see the widespread use of toxic chemicals in communities. My own neighbor sprayed Weed B Gon and when I looked it up in had 2-4-D and Dicamba and 99.2 % undisclosed ingredients. How can that be sane? Why would anyone spray something all over that they don't even know what is in it? What happens when all those chemicals enter the food chain? The birds eat the worms living in the chemical doused soil...Pretty soon there are fewer and fewer birds.

Arne Bold Comment left 22nd July 2015 15:03:12
37 years ago I was poisoned with DDT in Israel .My health has never been the same despite healthy lifestyle and food . Roundup has been used all around me by neighbors and the council for so many years despite my endless request to not be exposed to it (on my own property ) . It has made me extremely ill countless times over the years and caused my systemic cancer which almost killed me .I'm still fighting for my life with natural treatment as always since I cannot take any pharmaceutical drugs as I am extremely chemically sensitive . Roundup has been used as a "politically correct , legal weapon" against me over the years . This is nothing less than urban terrorism !Yes , it is extreme and very real . As a result of endless attacks by poisoning I live with severe PTSD as well . Nobody cares . No compensation . No help . This poison must be banned globally and not be replaced with more poisons . The world needs to go organic . Chemically injured people need to be recognized and helped , not mocked and victimized repeatedly !We are the canaries .

Paula Comment left 3rd August 2015 18:06:30
Thank you for your handwork and courage.

Ahmed Faruk Umar Comment left 6th August 2015 05:05:16
Its even more pathetic in this part of the world. Herbicide application is not regulated. Though awareness is now been created in farming communities in towns and villages. I am part of the campaign....

Paule Hjertaas Comment left 11th August 2015 02:02:20
and the US just approved RoundUp and 2,4-D ready cotton...In the years we have partial pesticide sales data for in Saskatchewan Canada,(2001-3), glyphosate based herbicides accounted for more than 1/2 of all pesticide sued, close to 8 million kg.

Nathalie Hachet Comment left 12th August 2015 19:07:00
Thanks for escalating this issue. The disastrous effects of Glyphosate upon the biodiversity are alarmingly unequivocal!

Athol Harrison Comment left 21st August 2015 18:06:11
You mention birth defects, is there any way that it may be the next Thalidomide

David Getoff Comment left 8th September 2015 16:04:56
It is sad to live in a country where extremely toxic cancer causing and nervous system toxic chemicals are all completely legal and where the government protects industry instead of the population they have sworn to protect

Larry Danner Comment left 11th September 2015 15:03:37
Although I am not trained in the biological or medical sciences (I hold an Aerospace Engineering degree), I have pursued statistical and root cause investigations as a safety professional for over 35 years. The high correlation factors between the inappropriate and excessive use of glyphosate herbicides and a multitude of human maladies, not to mention the effects on bees, butterflies and other "less intelligent" creatures that form the whole of our ecosystem, speaks loudly that the continued misuse of products such as Roundup® should be halted, PERIOD!

Richard Comment left 18th September 2015 23:11:59
I lost pretty much 20 years of my life being critically ill with migraine headaches everyday due to GMOs glyphosate and pesticides on our food I now eat a hundred percent organic and I'm no longer a serious headache suffer although I do feel that I have been seriously affected by these foreign organisms in our food . after being so ill for 20 plus years and finding it very socially awkward to return to the citizen pool. on top of that I get no help or assistance from our so-called federal government that's taking care of people.

Andrew Comment left 21st October 2015 18:06:43
GMO tech, courtesy of Monsanto & the others you will read about below, is making Roundup ubiquitous; it’s out of control and getting worse. It’s IN EVERY BODY. ROUNDUP (glyphosate is the generic name) is actually now known to be even MORE TOXIC IN SMALLER QUANTITIES THAN IN LARGER ONES, which is very unnerving considering that the U.S. allowable level in drinking was set at 0.7 ug/L in 1994, and this has not been revised, despite studies over the years showing glyphosate’s toxicity. This is 7 times (700%) of The European Union’s safe glyphosate level for drinking water, which is 0.1 ug/L. I would rather eat conventionally grown crops where farmers sprayed toxic herbicides onto the weeds between the rows like they used to, (along with “plowing” and “crop rotation” & other “antiquated” farming techniques), than eat crops that had been directly sprayed with glyphosate, soil sprayed with glufosinate, or unknown future chemicals designed for GMO crops, and which also contain spliced in genes that allow the crop to drink it rather than wither & die after being sprayed with it. What I do is eat Organic. I may not be a farmer, but I grew my own food organically for 20 years in a 3,000 sq. ft. garden. Bt (bacillus thuringiensis) is organic; it’s made of bacterial spores that infect & kill caterpillars, and although country folk expect to sacrifice the top inch of an ear of corn to the worms, I used a little Bt on my corn & cabbage just to see what it would do. BUT I DO NOT WANT TO BE FED CORN AND THOUSANDS OF FOOD PRODUCTS MADE WITH CORN OIL AND CORN SUGAR THAT NOT ONLY HAVE BEEN ENGINEERED TO PRODUCE THEIR OWN BT – TURNING MY OWN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM INTO A “BT FACTORY” ACCORDING TO MANY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES – BUT THAT ARE ALSO GENETICALLY ENGINEERED TO BE RESISTANT TO GLYPHOSATE AND ARE SPRAYED DIRECTLY WITH IT. THERE”S A BIG DIFFERENCE! Same goes for soy, wheat, squash, beans, peas, sugar beets, milk, canola (rapeseed oil), cotton (oil), rice, potatoes, alfalfa, apples, eggplant, papaya, as well as the many unknown crops contaminated with glufosinate from the soil treatments using it …and the unknown many crops in the pipeline which could eventually include EVERYTHING WE EAT if Big GMO has its way. In fact, I have learned that almost ALL non-organic crops are sprayed with glyphosate at harvest time to increase yield & dry out the crops! I DON’T WANT TO EVENTUALLY BE FORCED TO CHOOSE BETWEEN UNLABELLED GENETICALLY MODIFIED GLYPHOSATE LADEN FOOD AND ORGANIC FOOD THAT CAN’T BE LABELLED AS SUCH BECAUSE BIG GMO AGROCHEM HAS TAKEN OVER THE FOOD INDUSTRY. MONSANTO, BASF, DOW, SYNGENTA, & BAYER, et al, HAS SPECIALIZED IN POISONING PEOPLE SINCE DAY ONE AND I DO NOT TRUST THEM! I DO NOT HAVE TO CONSUME POISON TO “SAVE BILLIONS FROM STARVATION” AND NEITHER DO YOU! IT DOES NOT EVEN WORK THAT WAY! Only here in America can giant companies like Monsanto buy politicians with money when the people’s health is endangered! Monsanto managed to get out of any liability for the horrific effects of their Agent Orange in Viet Nam, but google up the photos & stories of the hideous malformations of the kids these people had that were either exposed to it or just had their rice paddies contaminated with it. I strongly suggest extremely sensitive people / pregnant women do not open this link showing these photos of the LEGACY OF MONSANTO ~

Ricky Mathieson Comment left 21st October 2015 22:10:54
Stand together as one voice, sign our petition to ban Glyphosate in Scotland, and let the Scottish government hear your call to 'put public health and the environment before corporate profits'!

Muguwa Joseph Comment left 19th November 2015 18:06:22
Although rather late an action BUT it will still go a long way in saving many souls on the Planet! Please let us keep it up

Karel Vitek Comment left 24th November 2015 19:07:07
When I started researching the applications of glyphosate made by Monsanto - in 1981, Roundup has been declared as an absolutely safe with a total herbicide application against aquatic plants into containers used for the production of drinking water. As seen in knowledge since then advanced forward so that it is now glyphosate as the majority of contaminants for nature and human dangerous chemicals. 6 years I use for protection against diseases and pests of plants only biological products EM-EKO.

TADDIAS PRINCE MPOFU Comment left 27th November 2015 18:06:08
as glyphosate is symplastically translocated, i have this belief that it is not completely degraded from the crops and thus i believe the residuals may be left in plants. Consumption of these glyphosate treated plants to some extent could act as source of carcinogens which poses danger to human health

Har Bhajan Comment left 3rd December 2015 08:08:28
Time to end the Monsanto tyranny!

JOHN BRZOSTOSKI Comment left 18th December 2015 07:07:28
Thank you.

MRS M R C THOMAS Comment left 16th April 2016 01:01:34
Despite my repeated warnings, the local Council are still using Glyphosate with abandon and total disregard for the environment and human and animal health. When they treat with it, the results are systemic, it is not biodegradable and invades the entire plant. It does NOT wash off. They insisted on using Glysophate pellets to prevent some harmless ivy re-growing outside my property, the result is that all the ivy in my garden has withered and died, so no habitat left for the birds to nest. No organic soil left to grow vegetables. The entire area is now toxic to humans and animals. ONE NANO PARTICLE OF GLYPHOSATE KILLS HONEY BEES and they are using high dose pellets despite my repeated protests. The ignorance and arrogance of these people is eye watering. Let us hope the European Parliament on May 1st have six brain cells between them to ban this lethal poison in the rest of Europe. France, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands should be congratulated on totally banning this killer poison. Am appalled at the Council's (Basildon District and Hackney in London) blasé indifference and misinformation regarding the dangers of this rank toxin. They are Masters of unawareness and deception, they turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to repeated warnings and scientific evidence personally sent to their relevant departments. Am disgusted. CHILDREN ARE SIX TIMES MORE VULNERBALE TO HERBICIDES THAN ADULTS. These people either don't care or they are totally lacking in conscience. Either way it is tantamount to evil.