Science in Society Archive

-SS/Green Network/TWN nternatonal Brefng at the European Parlament, Brussels


An nternatonal coalton of ndependent scentsts wll present comprehensve scentfc evdence for a Europe-wde and a worldwde ban on the release of GM crops.

They wll document how natonal and nternatonal regulators have been gnorng the precautonary prncple, msusng scence, sdesteppng the law, and helpng to promote GM technology n the face of massve publc opposton and damnng evdence plng up aganst the safety of GM food and feed.

The brefng meetng wll be held on 12 June 2007 at the European Parlament. The speakers wll explan to MEPs why a vote aganst GM n Europe s vtal for a sustanable future for the world. ssues covered wll nclude the health and envronmental mpacts of GM crops, demse of bees, no patents on lfe, bofuels, transgene contamnaton, the degradaton of sols and rural economes.


Mr Janusz Wojcechowsk Vce Charman of the European Parlament Commttee onAgrculture and Rural Development


Dr. rna Ermakova (RAS,RUS)
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (SS, UK)
Mr Nmmo Bass (FOE, Afrca)
Dr. Carolne Lucas (Green MEP)
Prof. Joe Cummns (SS, CAN)
Prof. Glles-Erc Seraln (CrGen, FR)
Prof. Petro Perrno (T)
Dr. Eva Novotny (SGR, UK)
Mr Jeffrey Smth (RT, USA)
Dr. Zbgnew Halat (CPPC, POL)

Meetng room:

Tme: 10am-2pm – Smultaneous translatons / delcous organc lunch

Hosted by the offce of Mr. Janusz Wojcechowsk


Paul Henr Spaak Buldng,
Room P5B001,
European Parlament,
Rue Wertz 60,

To regster for ths conference please contact: Sam Burcher or telephone 0208 452 2729

Ths meetng s co-ordnated by:

TWN (Thrd World Network)
SS (nsttute of Scence n Socety)
Green Network