Green Energies - 100%
Renewable by 2050 (ISIS publication) is an excellent report! But, sadly, even Britain's Green Party has dropped the baton placed in its hand by Fritz Schumacher's Small
Is Beautiful. There is a widespread failure by such institutions to promote
the vital decentralised 'people owned' mostly small scale solutions that
produce the socio-cultural revolution that matches the renewable energy
equation. Instead we hear about 'massive investment' being needed to promote 'a
new industrial revolution' that will 'stimulate jobs and the national economy'
etc. If we can get beyond such histrionics and see localised, human scale,
independent renewable energy schemes, freed from corporate ownership and the
big profit motive - as the road to the future, then we will have a veritable
renaissance on our hands. Let’s try to get this message widely disseminated at
this crucial time.
Hardwick nr Reading, UK
At last someone has pulled
together some positive information (see Faith Hope and
Chaos, SiS 45). I want the
UK/Scottish governments to emulate what's been happening on the Continent,
especially in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden. Because I'd like this planet to be
a livable place for my niece and nephews, and for their kids and then for a few
generations more!
Margaret Powell-Joss, Oban, Argyll, Scotland
I suggested to the City
of Saint-Hubert, Québec, to become member of Agenda 21 (see Cities
and Climate, SiS 45) 10
years ago. It is not done yet! I am now in another city, not far, Boucherville. I suggested to the Mayor to become member of it. Will he?!! I am also
involved in the transition-towns movement.
Claude Saint-Jarre, Boucherville, Quebec, Canada
I am
delighted to see that Michael Meacher remains optimistic inspite of the UK's appalling renewables record (see The Politics of
Green Energy, SiS 45). I would guess many countries are in the same boat
however. My own country South Africa which could and should be a centre of
solar energy continues to drag its feet and invest in new coal fired powered
stations, and contemplates further nuclear stations as well, instead of putting
its effort into renewables. Sometimes I feel as though I am living in a mad house
because those who are making these crazy energy generation decisions seem quite
unable to see that they are helping to destroy us all, them included.
Short, Johanessburg, South Africa
I have been running an organic terrace farm
in the city for nine years. However this year we lost so many of our plants -
cherries, guava, 4-5 varieties of Hibuscus, pomegranate - to this mealy bug. it
has never happened before. In fact earlier, just pruning away the affected part
would enable the plant to survive. But this time, all new tender shoots have
greater infestation. I have tried neem, tobacco, chilly-garlic extract but
nothing has not helped so far. Reading your article is giving me shivers.....
What if the effects are migrating to urban areas too....This year we have been
flooded with questions from home gardeners about the mealy bug infestation! Is
there a connection? God save us!
Mumbai, Maharastra, India
Farmer Suicides
and Bt Cotton Nightmare Unfolding in India is a
very effective argument thrown against those who promote irresponsible and life
threatening technologies in the name of science, taking advantage of the less
of awareness of marginalized people, and indirectly exploiting third world
countries in the name of ‘Advancement’. Institutions like ISIS are beacons of
hope to the poor people
post-graduate in Sustainable Development, Chennai, India
"Nicotine Bees" is a newly released 45 minute documentary with a similar message. What Chuck Benbrook, PhD, has to say on the film is compelling. Dr Benbrook is an independent, unbiased scientist without any affiliation to an agbusiness-supported university. Visit: We believe "Nicotine Bees" is the new "Silent Spring." Here's our piece on this crucial issue:
thanks to Joe Cummins who provided essential research on this issue!
Chair, Sierra Club's Genetic Engineering Action Team, USA
Any manipulation, restriction, deception, harassment-vilification of independent scientists, and/or unilateral control of research activities by the biotech and pharmaceutical industries (and/or any kind of polluter industries) must be put to an end (see Scientists Concerned For Academic Freedom, ISIS open letter to Premier of Western Australila.
The extensive use of the court system,
through legal suits (demanding damages and compensation) must be utilized by
socially conscious groups and communities organized optimally for high levels
of efficacy (obtaining decisive results where it hurts them most, i.e., the pocketbook).
Top-notch legal teams must be assembled at once. Let us appeal to the Law Schools throughout the finest Universities worldwide and the finest Law firms on planet
earth, in order to form these surveillance-ready to act teams. They must
operate on an ongoing basis. Let us appeal to the real altruists (including
those who have great abundance of means) of this world. Where are they? This is
the time to take decisive action. Let us build a new Humanity through the
implementation of truly ecological communities in order to regenerate Planet
Earth and the human being.
Dr. Michael T. Clarjen-Arconada, AQUA TERRA MAGNA PROJECT, Cerro del Sol Ecological communities, New York, USA
I am concerned that scientists of all types
are left with freedom to report their findings even should they conflict with
industrial profit or government of the day policy. I particularly am concerned
regarding the treatment of Jim Salenger who communicated with TV media without
getting prior approval from NZ meteorolgical spin doctors. However I think this
is a universal trend nowadays and should be resisted in every country.
David King, MIET,
FIENZ, Retired power engineer, New Zealand
I am a member of
the New Zealand Parliament for the last 13 years who relies on accurate and
balanced science to make policy decisions. I have previously taught at Auckland University and I know how precious academic freedom is and am very concerned to
hear of the interference with Dr Carman's work. She works in an area that is
highly contentious with strong industry advocates and strong public concerns.
It is vital that all the science is publicly available and that results not
influenced by political or business considerations.
Fitzsimons, New Zealand
(These are some of the comments sent by the more than 100 who signed the open letter posted on ISIS website: ,
Article first published 01/03/10
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