Science in Society Archive

ISIS Campaigns

Independent Scientists Manifesto on Glyphosate, June 2015. Glyphosate, the most popular herbicide in the world has been linked to cancer and birth defects since the 1980s. Its use skyrocketed with the introduction of genetically modified glyphosate-tolerant crops. Globally, it is a key ingredient in more than 700 products and is also used to control weeds in gardens, along roadsides in commercial and residential areas, and on millions of hectares of farmland. Its presence is pervasive, in the air, in the soil, in our food and drinking water. As such, areas of widespread GM crop cultivation or high glyphosate use are suffering from epidemics of cancers, birth defects, fatal kidney disease and more, as highlighted by the WHO’s recent declaration of the herbicide as a ‘probable carcinogen’. Sri Lanka, El Salvador have already imposed bans. This manifesto calls on all levels of government worldwide to follow suit. Add your name here

Open Letter on Retraction and Pledge to Boycott Elsevier, December 2013. Giles-Eric Séralini, a professor of molecular biology at Caen University, led a toxicological study on GM maize and Roundup herbicide over a period of two years; it found an alarming increase in early death, large tumours including cancers, and diseases of the liver and kidney. The study was published in 2012 by the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT). What followed was a concerted worldwide campaign to discredit the findings, including the appointment of ex-Monsanto scientist Richard Goodman to the newly created post of associate editor for biotechnology at FCT - see Retracting Séralini Study Violates Science and Ethics. I-SIS is calling on FCT to reverse this decision. Add your name here

Reclaiming Beauty and Truth in Science and Art, was launched in a unique art/science event 26-27 March 2011, when a wholefoods factory was transformed overnight into an art gallery and music/lecture hall around the theme of ‘quantum jazz’, the sublime aesthetics of quantum coherence in living systems and the living universe  The event was marked by a commemorative volume of essays and artworks, Celebrating ISIS, Quantum Jazz Biology *Medicine*Art, a Quantum Jazz Art DVD of artworks with a special selection of music, plus four DVDs of performances and interviews at the actual event itself. Our second act was an extended art/science/music festival, Colours of Water, 12-28 March 2013, a resounding success featuring an amazing cast of scientists, artists, musician, and other social leaders from around the world, all inspired by water and aiming to raise awareness on sustainable water use and conservation (

Sustainable World Global Initiative, launched April 2005,, held its first international conference 14/15 July 2005 in UK Parliament, followed by a weekend workshop 21 January 2006, out of which came a proposal for an innovative food and energy self-sufficient ‘Dream Farm 2’ for demonstration/education/research purposes. Its first report, Which Energies?, appeared in 2006, followed by a second definitive report, Food Futures Now (2008) showing how organic agriculture and localized food and energy systems can provide food and energy security and free us from fossil fuels. The third and final report, Green Energies - 100% Renewable by 2050 (2009) was also launched in UK Parliament November 2009, and struck a chord among politicians and opinion formers. It marks the turning point in the world’s commitment to green renewable energies.

Independent Science Panel, constituted May 2003, consists of dozens of scientists from many disciplines. Its report, The Case for a GM-Free Sustainable World, calling for a ban on GM crops and a comprehensive shift to sustainable agriculture was presented in the UK Parliament and European Parliament, circulated worldwide, and translated into 5 or more languages.

World Scientists Open Letter, February 1999, calling for a moratorium on genetically modified (GM) organisms, ban on patents on life, and support for sustainable agriculture; eventually signed by 815 scientists from 83 countries

Article first published 05/10/09

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Liz Chafer Comment left 6th October 2009 06:06:16
All the wind turbines installed in Germany have had little impact on Co2 emissions in that country due to the intermittency of wind . The same is the case for Denmark cf. the CEPOS report sept 2009 In many countries including USA Canada France and the UK there is immense pressure to install industrial wind turbines often within a mile of houses affecting the health of those living in the vicinity. Even where I live the load factor will only be 15% but lack of wind doesn't seem to present a problem to the wind industry promoters. Intermittency is a serious problem until there is a means of stocking the energy produced.There are other forms of renewable energy that should be developed in preference to that of wind - wave power for example.

Mark Russell Comment left 24th October 2009 02:02:38
Those are big, sweeping statements about nuclear ... "the nuclear black hole in terms of cost, safety and sustainability." All (except maybe sustainability in the grand scheme) are nothing more than populist fears, and not based on fact or reality. Wind power is positively medival by comparison no matter how you dress it up. Once the planet is out of all other forms of energy wind power may make sense (and by implication it is last on my list of desirable technologies). By that time the place will look like "planet of the apes" anyway so wind power will fit right in.

Mae-Wan Ho Comment left 23rd October 2009 06:06:49
All you people against wind and pro-nuclear really want to come down to earth and look at the nuclear black hole in terms of cost, safety and unsustainability. We are not for big wind farms. Cheap affordable small wind turbines are here! Read our complete report and get a full picture. Join the dots and join the future.

Mark Russell Comment left 23rd October 2009 06:06:18
Once the "storage solution" is worked out, why would you fill that storage with energy produced by industrial wind turbines when you could fill it with energy produced by nuclear power at a fraction of the cost, and without the massive eyesore that are wind farms? A storage solution notwithstanding, the cost of wind power in general will cause countries that have committed to wind power losing almost all of their manufacturing base to countries that can supply cheap, reliable energy, whether clean or dirty (manufacturers don't really care).