Quantum Jazz Musc Lecture
by Edward Cowe
Celebratng -SS Event
26-27 March 2011, London
Now avalable for vewng on Vmeo
Edward Cowe, ‘sonc poet’ composer, artst, performer ntates us to the fascnatng musc of brdsong, where a sngle note s actually 6 notes smultaneously on the pano, and brds can hear around 400 events per second, ten tmes faster than humans...ther muscal lfe s prodgously rch.
Edward Cowe, descrbed n the <>Sunday Tmes> as “one of the most orgnal and dazzlng muscal mnds of our tme,” has performed and exhbted all over the world. See hs full bography here, and hs webste: http://edward-cowe.com
The vdeo below s an excerpt from Celebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Bology event - Musc and Performances DVD (part 4)
Other vdeos on the -SS webste Quantum Jazz Bology, Medcne, & Art See also Art Sale n ad of Japan Earthquake/Tsunam/Nuclear Crss Vctms The followng book and DVDs relatng to ths event are avalable from the -SS onlne Store Celebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Bology commemeratve volumeCelebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Art DVD Celebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Bology event - Overvew DVD (part 1) Celebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Bology event - Bology & Medcne DVD (part 2) Celebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Bology event - Art Talks DVD (part 3) Celebratng -SS - Quantum Jazz Bology event - Musc and Performances DVD (part 4) Got something to say about this page? Comment There are 1 comments on this article so far. Add your comment above. Lucy Comment left 15th February 2012 20:08:24 |