The German Parliament may reject EU Patent directive 98/44/EC. The government issued a statement calling for re-negotiations, but sent a draft transposition law to parliament 18th Oct 2000. On 1st Dec. the second chamber of the German Parliament (Bundesrat) representing the 16 Lander counties also advised a re-negotiation, opposing the patenting of genes and having grave reservations on the patenting of plants and animals. Then, on 4th Dec., the Expert (Enquette) Commission of the first chamber of the parliament (Bundestag) adopted the same position. All three legislative bodies have now issued statements opposing patent directive 98/44/EC.
The resolutions indicate strong political will and it is expected the German parliament will not transpose the directive into national law when they resume activities in 2001.
Source: Genet-news, Press Release, Thomas Schweiger, Greenpeace GE campaigner, Greenpeace Germany.