Science in Society Archive

Protecting independent science against advocacy science

Letter to Prof Harry Kuiper (European Food Safety Authority) and Mary Fitzgerald (EC Ethics review team) from Dr. Mae-Wan Ho on behalf of the Institute of Science in Society, and Independent Science Panel

Prof Harry Kuiper
Chair, GMO Panel
European Food Safety Authority
Largo N. Palli 5/A
I - 43100 Parma

Mary Fitzgerald
EC Ethics review team

5 June 2007

Dear Dr. Kuiper and Ms Fitzgerald,

The Independent Science Panel (ISP) and the Institute of Science in Society fully support GM Free Cymru's Open Letter to you reqesting the EFSA to take measures to prevent the abuse of science by uncritically accepting 'advocacy' scientific research submitted by applicants seeking commercial approval or release consents for genetically modified organisms and products, and to ensure the right of independent researchers to access reference material and information for replicating the research submitted by applicants.
We have now modified our earlier submission of ISP Comment on Framework 7 accordingly. You will find a new paragraph as follows:

4. Ensuring that all scientific research considered by EC and Member State Advisory Committees is genuinely independent and replicable
Up to now, independent science is almost non-existent. Instead, advisory committees have accepted the applicants’ own research findings, however flawed, to support their case for GM marketing or release consents. Such “advocacy science” is open to abuse and corruption. The research is non-replicable in practice, as the applicants simply will not provide reference materials for independent researchers and laboratories. In future, no research results submitted by applicants should be considered unless it is accompanied by a written statement to the effect that the applicants will facilitate repeat or follow-up experiments by other researchers, through the provision of the materials requested and other relevant information.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
Director Institute of Science in Society
& Coordinator, Independent Science Panel

Article first published 06/06/07

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Article first published 06/06/07